About Me
To discover a real sense of who we are.
Our intellectual mind can seek to discover the answer to many questions, but the one question of WHO AM I?
always remains unanswered.
To discover our real self; to be aware of our own soul we have to go beyond the mind(EGO), an become self-less.
It is in meditation that we can become aware of a living spiritual presence.
When we find this we feel a new purpose in life.
I am a heir to eternity, everlastingness has been given to me.
I flashed forward from an Infinite loving CREATOR who dwells in a myriad of names and is manifested through an infinite number of forms.
My goal here on Earth my friend is the same as yours.
The transmutation from Darkness(Ignorance) to Light(Knowledge).
I seek the Light of knowledge through all planes of existence (physical, mental, spiritual).
I, like you, am a spiritual being on a human journey, not a human being on a spiritual journey.
Formless are we, as children of the infinite Light yet bound to a body to gain wisdom through knowledge, and knowledge through experiences.
Know this my friends that man(being) is a star bound to a mountain.
Only once we have released all of our petty selffish fetters will our soul force spring free from the Veil of the Night.
Love to thee, Light to thee, Life to thee... A SUN may thou be on a cycle above.
I look forward to rejoining with the ALL ONE with you.
-Aunk Djeda
As we seek and learn of things unknown,
we will walk down many paths in life encountering just what we need to help awaken us to a higher destiny
Our journey will cover a lifetime as we gather a multitude of experiences that will help us to EXPAND and EVOLVE.
The most important issue to the human condition is not to allow ourselves to become RIGID and UNYIELDING in our thinking.
This is a common human affliction and causes many to shut down the gates to further exploration, settling comfortably within the confines of one belief system.
Our universe is expansive, vast and never ending and mostly UNKNOWN - anything at all is possible...and all things are possible.
We know that the power of our thoughts creates and affects the reality of our Earthly life. We create our own reality from our every thought, word and deed and we are being encouraged to explore our creativity, to broaden our thinking and allow ourselves the joy of the exploration of the mind.
This is a time of great adventure in human consciousness and mental expansion...
The Language of Your Intuitionby Claudette Rowley"Like an ability or muscle,
hearing your inner wisdom is
strengthened by doing it.
"–Robbie GassHow many times, when we hear a foreign language for the first time, are we struck by the interesting sounds coming from the speakers - even if we don't understand what they're saying? How quickly do we then begin ignoring those sounds because what we hear doesn't spark comprehension?Identifying and deciphering the language of intuition that's chattering away in our minds can be an equally foreign experience. Yet learning the translation key can bring abundant understanding and opportunity.
But where can you find the key?Start by tuning into more obvious intuitive experiences: a song lyric that pops into your head, a gut feeling or a recurring dream. Intuition is largely a form of sensory knowledge - a sixth sense that's as available to you as your sight, hearing, taste, touch or smell. Just like the other five senses, it's a knowledge that has little to do with your mental capability.Becoming acquainted with your intuitive voice is a personal experience, and usually involves expanding your perspective of intuition. Unfortunately, it's rarely as conventional wisdom predicts - that intuition will come in dramatic "flashes" that are so obvious we feel as if we've been struck by lightening, hit over the head with a two-by-four or heard angels sing.More likely, intuition shows up in the dialect of the ordinary, often taking the form of a fleeting inner comment, such as "I really should call Ken and tell him about my new business idea," or "You know, every time I drive by that restaurant, I feel compelled to stop" or "I should look through that pile of mail." How easy it is to dismiss these seemingly benign thoughts because the thoughts come without the context of why each thought is intuitively important. Or, worse yet, those thoughts are followed by our inner critic, eager to jump in with "Now there's a stupid idea.
"How can I start to recognize -
& listen to - my intuitive dialect?
* Pay attention to fleeting inner comments. Follow the direction of these messages and see where they lead you. For instance, today I got a sense that I should go through a stack of mail. I did, and found a long-awaited check that I had missed when I flipped through the mail just a day earlier.* Notice repeated experiences, such as three people recommending the same book to you in the space of a week. That's a sign that you should run out and get the book.* View intuition as a sixth sense - use it as you would your eyes, ears, nose, mouth or skin.* Practice asking your intuition a question and listening for an answer. Then have patience. The answer may come immediately, or it may not arrive for several days, weeks or even months.* Observe your body. The body is incapable of falsehood; if it gives you a message, it's best to listen. An acquaintance recounted a long-standing internal pull to move to the U.S. Whenever she resisted this urge to move from her home country, she literally felt punched in the stomach. Once she made the decision to move, the stomach-punching stopped.* Use your energy levels as a barometer. As your energy rises, plummets, and centers you, what do you notice? For many of us, energy can serve as an intuitive gateway, and a useful way to heighten our awareness of our intuitive dialect.Start learning the language of your intuition today. Listen to the information your body, heart and soul share with you. Just as learning a foreign language will allow to communicate in new places, deciphering the dialect of your intuition will transport you to whole new worlds. You have all the tools you need to learn your own intuitive dialect. With practice, you'll be fluent!metavoice.orgLightworkers