I met my one and only baby!! I love u Nas so very much and u no it! We hit it off soo quickly and i cant believe how we came along one another. She just is perfect for me she has all the qualities in a woman I could once only dream about having. She is the type of person u can spend hours among hours with and as soon as your 10 feet away from her place u would already start to miss her. Despite us being complete oppisites when it comes to music and our baseball teams (WHITE SOX!!) we are so very similar. I just thank god that everyone she has ever been with has just looked past who she really is cuz u didnt take the time to see what a great person Nas is. She is the best and I hope to be with her forever! Babe I love u and u are my one and only.......
love them all i watch all types of movies......Ive spent countless hours watching movies and i couldnt begin to name how many ive seen....lol
The most recent book i read was The Da Vinci Code ......its amazing u must read it!!
I have 3 Heros and one speacial hero in my lifetime that have influenced me like no other person on this planet. First my rents my parents are not like n e typical parents they are literally the best. They have taguht me so very much and all they want me to do is persue my dreams. They were always there for me whenever i needed them and even when i didnt. I cant say enough about my parents I love them soo much and I want to raise my kids the same exact way they raised me.... LOve ya mom and dad! For the second one....this guy isnt a part of the family he is a friend but we met when we were neighbors when i lived in the city while i was young...and he was in his twenties at the time...so ya he was wayy older....but he was always around as i grew up even when we did move from the city. He is great friends with my rents and grew to be a good friend of mine too... Chris has influenced me more than any single person ever....everything i do now was based form influences of him....i started drawing because he loved to draw, I liked star wars cuz he did, i collected the figures cuz he did, and he was always like a big kid....even now! Chris I thank u soo much 4 being involved in my life as i grew up.....i no u wont read this but man my current goals and dreams all arose from ur influence......Now for my "special" hero i kno im not 1 of ur heros Nas but ur one of mine....u saved me babe I was gonna throw my life away for some mediocre love...The love u have and give me is the stuff u only see in movies or read about it lovey dovey books....but it really does exsist out there the love that u can only dream about is out there, it is a reality and I hope others can find it as i have......