Music,, Film, T.V., Commercial, placement, Freedom, Peace, Love, Righteousness, Industry Events, Event Coordinating, Creating Music, Singing, Writing, Reading, Wisdom, Learning, Helping, Serving, Leadership, Teaching, Encouraging, Motivating, Building, Opportunity, and Creating Opportunity for others, Sports, Billards, LIFE IN A POSTIVE WAY!!!!! (Not the new Law that was just passed about same SEX Marriages!!!)
Christ, T.D. Jakes, Kirk Cameron, Patrick Swayze, Jeff Goldblum, Jessica Biel, Bill Gates, Tom Cruise, More Celebrities, Trendsetters, Whoever is making a big difference in this world!! lHillsongs, Tribe Called Quest, Amerie, Lauryn Hill/Classic, All of PDiddy's Hits, Eminem, Justin Timberlake, Timbland, Stevie Wonder, Janet Jackson/Classic all of her Records, Michael Jackson, FAITH, and many others.
Point Break, Jerry Mcguire, The Last Samuari, Glory, Back To The Future 1,2, Enemy of the State, The Fugitive, Indpendence Day.
Quantam Leap when it was on, American Idol, Roseanne, George Lopez Show, Will & Grace, Everybody Loves Raymond
The Holy Bible, Kings James Version T.D. Jakes "Maximize your Moment", T.D. Jakes "Reposition Yourself"
God Our Savior! Jesus Christ