looking at maps, sociolinguistics, ballet, formula one, literature, music, colours, small versions of normal things, getting lost, walking, etymology, photography, the london underground, feminism, cultural history, rerum causas cognoscere, smoking out of my bedroom window, poststructuralism, hummous, vegetarianism, tracksuit tops, the beijing "er"
Someone who'd be solely responsible for taking the bins out, because I don't like doing it in the dark, what with the crack addicts. I know that's a really amazing job description, so don't all flood me at once with offers. I also wouldn't mind meeting someone who could teach me a) how to play the guitar, and b) how to drive an F1 car.
meaningless noise, angriness, stuff that reminds me of being 18, stuff with comedy instruments, anything with boys in tracksuit tops, Adam Green, Hadouken!, Viv Youell, south american ska, the Silver Jews, canto-pop, Holst, Johnny Cash, the Arcade Fire, Saint Saens
True Romance
Peep Show