Collecting junk toys and comics (giant monsters, zombies, you know ...nerd stuff), films, drinking, bowling, leisure sports, playing guitar, robots (especially of the huge variety), asking lots of questions, cooking, eating good food, building things, Video games (a little too much.........) breaking down cardboard (don't ask) the smell of a freshly opened bagged japanese vinyl figure........Knives
A giant squid and possibly some dinosaurs.
More than I feel like typing right now.
Star Wars (the originals- not that new garbage), Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones, Alien 1&2, The Big Lebowski, Night of the Living Dead, The Jerk, Millers Crossing, The Iron Giant, Better Off Dead, Withnail and I, The Goonies, Kill Bill, The Killer, Spaghetti Westerns, Spinal Tap, Spiderman 2, Japanese Giant Monster flicks, Woody Allen ............
Comcast, I HATE you.
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I haven't read anything that wasn't a manual or a comic book in quite a while.
Indiana Jones.