Tomorrow Man profile picture

Tomorrow Man

There will be weeping and a great gnashing of teeth.

About Me

I'm the guy lookin for fun in all the wrong places. I like a good bare knuckle brawl, but I also like a good date movie. I like to drink and cuss, but I also like to play with legos. I have lots of tattoos but go to church regularly. I'm usually considered to be the animal at the party but I like to think of myself as the cultured guy. I've been around the world seen and done everything but I still miss home and my mommy. I have an extensive working knowledge of small arms, but never want to go to war again. I'm the guy your mother always warned you about, but if i ever met her she'd tell you to keep. As so ye brew, so shall ye drink.

My Interests

tattoos, drinking beer, old leather jackets, sandwiches, switchblades, hamburgers, rugby, redheads, motorcylces/choppers, irish nationalism, the American revolution, legs, pirates, my brass knuckles of the world collection, cookies and milk, dreaming about how to survive the apocalypse, fighting for freedom, Basher, vegas, white t-shirts and blue jeans, ninja poisons, Belladonna, outgoing fire, latex, large calibur handguns, redheads, hot tubs, the Spanish inquisition, LEGO, Halo 2, finding Sith Lords, WoW


social distortion, dropkick murphys, Dion and the Belmonts, Roy Orbison, AC/DC, flogging molly, GnR, johnny cash, the tossers, throwrag (bitches), tony cummins, nick cave, gogol bordello,


aliens, pirates of the carribean, brotherhood of the wolf, last of the mohicans, escape from LA, mad max


Lost, The Office, Jericho, reality shows, i really hate cheaters and if i've been drinkin when i watch it i go into a pyschotic rage and want to kill joey greco


Anything by Richard Stark, Vonnegut, R.E. Howard. Old sci-fi pulp novels, non-fiction books about piracy, the bible, the dictionary. Recently books from the post apocalyptic genre. Those really trashy novels at airports that are reviewed as "gripping and intense"


Sgt. 1st Class Paul Ray Smith (MoH), 1st Sgt. Lehew, my father

My Blog

For all you people who like Che Guevara

This is for all you douchebags that wear a Che shirt and think your supporting some cool revolutionary rebel messiah of some sorts, Che was kinda a dickhead.Che Guevara ordered thousands of executions...
Posted by Tomorrow Man on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 09:14:00 PST

Jim Halpert the douchebag

I've been thinking a lot about the office lately and have come to the conclusion that Jim is a complete and total douchebag and he's fooling America!Before all the little fangirls start going crazy an...
Posted by Tomorrow Man on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 08:42:00 PST

Taxes are bullshit!!!

READ THIS BULLSHIT: my thoughts afterSAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Before he celebrates his windfall, the New York Mets fan who emerged from a violent scrum clutching Barry Bonds' record-setting home run ball...
Posted by Tomorrow Man on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 09:45:00 PST

Vote for my new seat

So as some of you might know i recently did a total overhaul of my motorcycle.  Lowered it three inches, added a hyper-charger, did a repaint.  Now i want to buy a new seat and am torn betwe...
Posted by Tomorrow Man on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:55:00 PST

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Wow, this movie was a pile!  Whatever commitee wrote this deserves to walk the plank.  With so many plot twists, magic items and other gobbledygook i had a hard time following what was going...
Posted by Tomorrow Man on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:46:00 PST

i think i may have a problem....

i check my email a lot. I mean a whole lot, today i counted the number of times i checked it and it was 18. I got two emails today. One was for herbal viagra, the other was from the wife of the dep...
Posted by Tomorrow Man on Thu, 17 May 2007 10:04:00 PST

Best party ever!

Thanks to everyone who made my suprise birthday party possible. Thanks megan, patrick, jason, and of course tammi. Even though i figured it out it was still great. i had a blast and want to thank e...
Posted by Tomorrow Man on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:21:00 PST

random things

OK couple of random things i've been thinkin about and a movie review. 1. Has anyone else seen the myspace add for brooke hogan's song or whatever?  I've seen this add a shit ton of times and ha...
Posted by Tomorrow Man on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 08:52:00 PST


So because a lot of people have been asking about the pomp, wondering how it's done, how long does it take and other such things i'll detail it here. First after getting out of the shower I towel dry ...
Posted by Tomorrow Man on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:35:00 PST

Steven Segal

I just realized i really hate Steven Segal. I think him and Chuck Norris should have a fight to the death and then the winner should be shot in the back of the head. Fuck Steven Segal, fuck Chuck ...
Posted by Tomorrow Man on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 07:44:00 PST