destroying my enemies, seeing them flee before me and hearing the lamentations of the women.
wait a minute... this sounds like rock and/or roll
'winesburg, ohio' by sherwood anderson is the greatest book ever. you need to read it right now. also, i acquired a copy of 'dark laughter' by anderson for a friend for his birthday. being that it is a very rare book, i took the liberty of reading it myself before giving it to him. he didn't mind. it was so fantastic that when i was marathon reading to the end, i think my jaw was hanging slack and i was wide eyed. i dont really know since i was so engrossed. i abso loved 'no one belongs here more than you' by miranda july. shes so fantastic!!! zen and buddhist wisdom, 'confessions of georgia nicholson', art history books, edward gorey, usagi yojimbo, the ending of 'the stranger' by albert camus was like getting punched in the face, veggie cookbooks, edgar allan poe, 'musashi' by eiji yoshikawa is one of my all time favorites, ive read it several times and will re-read it over and over for the rest of my life. 'out of africa' by isak dinesen has the most lovely- almost dreamy- prose, james joyce, 'sin city', 'mans search for meaning', 'congo' by michael crichton was very enjoyable and engaging. 'pillars of the earth' by ken follett, 'for whom the bells tolls' by hemingway actually made me tear up- not cry, but there were real tears in my eyes. i didnt let them escape. j.d. salinger (esp. 'franny and zooey'), i love hercule poirot. hes so charming! kurt vonnegut, artists biographies/journals, chuck palahnik is odd and macabre, 'the shroud of the thwacker' made me laugh out loud, 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest' is fantastic and i love it. architecture and interior design books, 'the gun seller' by hugh laurie is so effing good- go read it right now, guides on living green in contemporary american consumer society, 'the bedside book of birds: an avian miscellany' by graeme gibson, studies on contemporary art.. scary go round!!!... brilliant!a new favorite!!!
musashi.. and george willard.