look beneath the surface::...
...::so tell me, what's life like in your world?
Earthquake sends shock waves from Louisiana to Florida
I must be the change
I want to see in others::...
deep house, reggae, hip hop, techno, new age, gospel, rock, classic rock, breakBeat, electronica, jungle, r & b, jazz, dance hall, ambient, acoustic, lounge, reggaeton, drum 'n bass, funk, ska, calypso, neo soul, old school, soca, dirty south, gangsta, latin house, blues
All who help pave the way from slavery
(It's good to be free!) and anyone with the courage to think outside the box
Click Here to sign the
Darfur Petition!
My Details
Here for:
Detroit (the D)
Body Type:
7' 7"
deep sea diver
Hey, I found this article I'd like to share with you.
Tell me what you think about it::...
the Seven Challenges by Dennis Rivers, M.A.
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Deepwater Rhythm
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