Spanish DNB Mafia nace como colectivo en 2008 gracias a la union de varios activistas de la escena dnb española.
La idea surgió durante una cupula entre varios artistas:
The 1st Degree, Psm, Tony Karate, da Big Serokah a.k.a Stay Puft 6 Kcee tenemos como fin promocionar
y servir a la hermandad. La Cosa Nostra... Chicha y Limoná.
Resolvemos casos rapido. La fidelidad al movimiento es la clave del progreso.
"Si estais con nosotros, estais contra ellos, os guste o no, aqui no hay termino medio"
Larga vida a la Spanish D&B mafia!
Proximamente en las mejores watekes.
Spanish DNB Mafia is the result of the collision of a group of activists from the spanish dnb scene. The idea developed during a mafia council attended by various artists:
The 1st Degree, Psm, Tony Karate, da Big Serokah a.k.a Stay Puft & Kcees aim is to promote and treat those who belong to our brotherhood. La Cosa Nostra... Chicha y Limoná. We solve cases quick. Fidelity to movement is the key to progress.
"If you are with us, you are against them, like it or not, there isn't an in-between"
Long life Spanish DNB Mafia!!!
Soon at the best "watekes".