Juan J FrÃas aka The 1st Degree nació en Madrid en 1983.Desde muy pequeño empezó a interesarse por la música,apasionado de las vertientes más duras del rock (Metal,Hardcore,punk-rock) fué en el invierno del 2000 cuando se topó por primera vez con unos platos. Sus primeras internadas en el género de la electronica le llevaron a experimentar sobre multiples estilos Lo cual le llevo a pinchar en diferentes fiestas de la zona sur de Madrid.Tras un paso efimero por multitud de estilos.Fué en el verano del 2002 cuando su hermano mayor le pone en contacto con sus primeros vinilos de drum and bass.Despúes de varias fiestas,The 1st decide lanzarse de lleno y monta su primera promotora de eventos llamada Freaky Planet con su centro de operaciones en Aranjuez (Madrid),albergando asi a una multitud de artistas locales. Productor de eventos como la Metropolitan Rave Party y el festival Músical Aranjuez Open Air.Siempre rodeado de mentes inquietas que le han llevado a nutrirse de multitud de influencias en este ámbito,que posteriormente ha plasmado en varios proyectos. Tras los platos The 1st Degree no se decanta por un estilo concreto de drum and bass haciendo asà de su versatilidad y su buen gusto musical sus mejores armas. Actualmente The 1st Degree forma parte de la divission de drum and bass de 13 Kalles,siendo residente y promotor de sus eventos. Como Dj a compartido cabina con artistas de la talla de: Counterstrike,Tek ,Proket,Benny Page,Kenei,Allied Force,Mc Spex (Asian Dub Fundation),Mk Milk,Xol,Prime3...Ha actuado en Londres:cafe 1001,Bedroom.. y numerosas Raves y locales del territorio español como en :Privilege (Ibiza) Xion (C.Real),en Madrid:Sala Revolver,Soma,Taboo,Yasta,Twist,Cat..s,Basico,Felicia,13kall
es,Berimbau... ------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------- Juan J Frias aka The1stDegree was born in Madrid in 1983. Since he was a kid he began to be interested in music, mostly in the hard faces of rock ( Metal, hardcore, punk-rock) it happened in winter in 2k when he first try turntablism, what actually became a non return path. In the begginings he used to try multiple styles, from tribal house to hard techno through breakbeat or electro, but this didn’t last long. In summer 2002 his brother gave him their first drum and bass vynils (he will always thanks for this) After playing in some parties he decided to dedicate fully to this and create his promotion label FreakyPlanet based in Aranjuez (Madrid), hosting dozens of local artists. He also produced events as important as Metropolitan Rave Party and the Aranjuez Musical OpenAir festival. The 1st has made drum and bass to be better known in Madrid South area. He has been always with enterprising minds around him, supporting him, getting a lot of influences from them, subsequently expressed on several plans. Behind turntables, TheFirstDegree not only plays one drum and bass stylemaking his versatility and good musical taste his greate st strength. As Dj he has shared cabin with such great artist: Counterstrike Tek, Proket,Benny Page,AlliedForce, Mc Spex (Asian Dub Foundation),Kenei,Kalashnikov, MkMilk, Xol, Prim3... He has played his sets in London:Cafe 1001,Bedroom Bar, in raves and D’n’B clubs in Spain scene: Privilege (ibiza) Xion,Vanity, Revolver,Soma,Taboo, Yasta, Twist, Cat’s, Basico, Felicia,Berimbau,13Kalles…
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