Psychology, Theatre, throwing parties, rollerblading, performing, being a huge dork that u just cant stop wanting
Id like to meet independant thinkers, creative people, spontaneously random people, people with a good sense of humor and a positive outlook on life, intelligent people, artsy people, people that can teach me things about myself that i never knew, people that want to know more about me than what I do at the club, energetic peopleMusicians, artists, writers, thinkers, and more
Get Your Own Voice Player Manage.. width="425" height="350" ..
MAGNOLIA!! i love this movie! check it out Cruel intentions, Snatch, The Silence of the Lambs, Steven Kings IT, Boogie nights, Napolean Dynomite(god get your own tots!!!!!)
Nick at night WAHOO!!!.. width="425" height="350" ..
My Motha!