I enjoy singing, preaching, reading God's word, playing with my two sons, going to church, reaching the lost, music, Madden and working out. My wife Toya, really interested in her!!!
Pastor Craig Oliver, he has inspired and influenced me with his style and presentation of ministry. I consider him a spritual father even though he may not remember me, I have met him once, and I've learned so much from his sermons, website, and teachings. Elizabethbaptist.orgBishop Noel Jones, just because I believe he is the Peter of this day. Deep soul snatching, mind changing preaching and teaching.Kobe Bryant, he is the Micheal Jordan of today! No Question!VISIT WWW.THISISZION.ORG
Gospel, Jazz, R&B, and some rap.
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THE BIBLE, Faith Has Its Reasons, Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin, Who Are You to Judge by Erwin Lutzer, Living By The Word by Hendricks, Attributes of God, A.W. Pink, The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee. ZION CHRISTIAN MINSITRIES (www.thisiszion.org)
Jesus Christ!!!!!