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About Me

I am, hands down, the greatest human being ever. I'm a useless slut. A nicotine addicted asshole, recovered from a petty drinking problem (I miss it all as do I the cock), who would like to smoke to much dope and eat too much cacti (I can't afford it, nor have time). I know more about everything than you do, you'll lose in any argument, no matter what it's about. My desk chair has the greatest ass groove evar. Electronic music is far better than you shall ever be, as long as it's not KandyTrance (Even some of that's OK). I'm tone deaf, un-able to hold a beat, unable to act, or preform in many many simple tasks. According to tests I should be a rocket scientist, but I's much rather shit here, flame nubs, chew tobacco, and smoke my cock pipe.
I have friends, they're better than you (Namely Rachel, mind you, exclusively Rachel). Boobies are the shit, I somehow manage to get lots. Women are demanding overly emotional, over priced, and simply not worth it, but as it stand I've got about four no male friends, and six males (total) that don't want me dead. I don't skip classes, I don't know why. I don't fight, take your petty insecurities elsewhere. I don't get out enough, and think sex is the most over rated thing since Nirvana. I can type, think, write, and pull a wise ass comment out of my ass far faster than you could ever hope to do. I'm anti-everything, namely you. I hate being in populated places while impaired. I'm constantly restless.
It takes more caffeine for me to get a buzz than you know what to do with. My messenger contact list is many, many, many times maxed out. Opera is the best browser ever compiled. I'm not a Linux fan. I stride to be a total tool, intentionally, therefore making me anything but. I don't like that fact. 4.20 is a perfectly good excuse to get high, as is science class. Coffee isn't coffee unless it's jet black, and steaming hot. Nexopia is my blog, and too many people actually read it. As to why I don't use my real one , I have no idea. I don't much enjoy school. But I'd rather be there, than here. Philosophy is the greatest thing ever. Democracy is a load of shit, as is your mother, communism, and your 'problem with authority'.
The last thing I am is politically correct. I'm separating these into paragraphs for a reason. Someone will actually read all this. I like to make-out with people, and in my books that better than having had sex with 'em. I get the colours Orange and Blue mixed up (i.e. I will say "Look at the orange book" when meaning "Look at the blue book"). I will never understand why this is. This does not apply to any other colour. I only wear black. Black isn't a colour. I am not hot in that jacket, if I was, I'd take it off. I read too much Aldous Huxley, at the same time not enough. I like to masturbate. I'd rather talk about me, than you, I'm more interesting. I'm guessing I can make anything interesting. The door to my room is not sound proof. I don't watch television, I believe it to be poison for the mind. I have a 32 inch television in my room.
ATI is far better than nVidia. I hate Half-Life. I'm a bit of a womanizer, I'll never understand how that came to be, either. I have a phobia of free fall, in any way shape and/or form, I can't deal with amusement parks. I have my bronze cross, which means I'm almost a lifeguard. I participate in no other sports. I procrastinate more than you do. I don't give a flying fuck about anything, it's really bad habit. I like smoking, it's a wonderful sensation. I guzzle 2L of coke a day, at least, on average. I'm an "Internet jockey". I collect data. I don't actually smoke crack, unless you're an Inter-A kid, then all the rumors are true, I really do fuck dogs, and that tree is talking to me. I like pornography. I can't take 30 minutes out of my life to re-write an essay for a course I'm nearly failing, but I write this out. I wonder how many times I've said "I" in this text. I appear to be the last brilliant mind in UT, or at least one of. I miss the old posse. Addict Unite is dead, it makes me emo. My friends hate when I call them/something/me emo. I hate emo. Yes, I am aware I'm not working in a literal definition of Emo. I have my own telephone line.
My mother is stupid. I never smoke on school grounds. I've worn the fuck out of my mouse. I do PC repairs for extra money. I will not fix your PC unless you pay me. I know what "Stereophonic" means. I swear, a lot. I have hay fever. Teen angst pisses me off. When people tell me they're suicidal, I encourage them to do it. If they where actually suicidal, they wouldn't be telling me about it. I hate anti-Americanism. I'm anti-westernization. I abuse the rating system. I keep a backup of everything, this profile included. Inter-ghey is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I spend all my class time trying to convince all the straight edge kids I'm addicted to crack. It would appear I succeeded in the end. I've never done half the drugs you all assume I have, I never said I did.
Petty squabbles piss me off. I hate all 13 year olds. I've had sex. And what a waste of time it was. I hate the English language. I hate what you morons have turned the English language into. I hate the French, they piss me off. I won't read what you post, because it's wrong. I like Heineken. German food is amazing, as is Greek. I'm not a fan of oriental anything, give or take porno. I prefer drinking alone. In the last decade I've vomited once. I occasionally don't feel like flaming nubs. But it's rare. I'd like to try lucid dreaming, but I'm bad at recollection. I'm a pirate. The NTTP is the shit. I have a thing for web-cam porn. Infected Mushroom is the greatest band/duo ever. I live on Madison avenue, so never ask me.
I never notice someone's eyes, I couldn't tell you fuck anyone's eye colour. I love smoking from the pipe, bongs are excessive. I can sell anything, but I just don't try anymore. I honestly didn't expect you to read this far. "Brave New World" is the greatest novel ever written. I can't stand open doors. My argument is contradictory, but still better than yours. The big bang is a cycle, not a singular occurrence. Everything in infinite. I like how the term "fuck" isn't actually a word, yet everyone treats it as one. I've almost stop masturbating entirely. I hate emoticons, but I still over use them. "Greet" is a perfectly acceptable introduction, as is "w0rd" and "Go the fuck away you god damn piece of shit penny whore.". I will always tell you my penis is small -- Why? -- Because it is. My dream home is an apartment. I like children, before they can speak, or are mobile. The government is not out to get you, it's out to get a dollar. That's why it's there. I'm a lazy drunk. I still know more than you.
I'm going to make this my last paragraph. I've almost run out of things to talk about (But really, I haven't). I like trampolines, for some odd reason. I've only once ever broken a bone. I've never had my stomach pumped. I have no intention of driving. I like the bus. I don't care for flying, but I'm not afraid of it. I've spent almost a year total of my life in Europe. I can't speak any other language. I will not steal under any circumstances. Piracy is not theft, theft is physical.
I'm done. Fuck you. Please make a note of dying.

My Interests

Well, personally I'm a big fan of doing fuck nothing. I like to sit here, collecting dust. I guess you could say I like building shit, with keyboards (Not physically of course, that's just gross, and sweaty and ew), but honeslty -- I do it for the money. And the bitches. But. Mostly the money.

I like to find new ways of fragmenting my sentences. Proper English may be one of my specialties, but like hell I'm going to make any use of that. Really, why should I? Why stand here, making proper use of something, espeically something strong, valuable, and important, when I can squander and waste it?

Other shit I'm intrested in...Lesse. Well. I like boobies, they're really soft, they taste good, and...they're really soft. Yep.

I'd like to meet:

Well, for starters I'd like to meet God. Why? Because my acid trips clearly aren't good enough. Fuck, the fucker's been all like "You're the worst re-born son I've ever fucking had" for goddamn ages. If he'd just stop being such a goddamn asshole about everything, we could finally hook up, chill for a while, maybe grab us some Doritos or something. Then everything would be all cool and dandy n' shit.

But no, he decides to be a big egotistical fuck about it because I came out as my polar opposite of my previous life. Yeah, gee, thanks dad. Dick.

Next in line is Tom. Why? So I could stick my penis in his ear. Goddamn. I love sticking my penis in ears. Seriously. Try it one day.

Then after that Bill Gates, and shit like that. Because y'know, big motherfucking multinational motherfuckin' companies are the shit. And I want his babies. N' shit. Yo.


Awe, so you want a big whoopin' fuckin' list of 'mi fav bandz'. Tough shit. though, rest assured, my preferences are far, far, better than your preferences. Why's this?

  • Because I don't watch MTV.
  • I don't listen to the radio.
  • I tend to ignore really bad music.
  • And I shoot people who listen to Green Day.

  • And when I say "Guns", I mean Guns. Massive, sweaty, built, manly Guns. Massive, sweaty, built, manly Guns of Bush Loving power. And no, I ain't talking about that Bush, I'm talkin' about the big Bush. The one with more bombs, Guns, and sex appeal than even I, brotha.

    That aside, I'm almost outta shit to say. But really, I'm never outta shit to say, I'm just one giant, oozing, blob of e-shit to say. Oh well -- Infected Mushroom is still superior to you in every imaginable way, and that's all that matters. You African American loving cockstar, you.


    Porno! Porno! Porno! Jesus mother of fuck I loves me porno. I don't need women, I don't need cooter, nor asshole, nor mouth (nor any other crevice I probably shouldn't be shoving things in) -- Why? Cause I gots fuckin' Porno! To hell with sex, I've got a hand, some bar soap, and a fresh box of Kleenex.

    I could go on about how much I loves Porno, and how much of a useless pile of steaming cow feces you are, but, to be bluntly honest, I think I've said my bit on the subject of Porno -- Perhaps I should talk about other movies?

    Ok, making movies?

    ...Pirating them?

    Fuck, fine -- Making pornos -- is of the finest art known to man. It's delicate, it sensitive, it needs hot bitches and pumped-to-shit penis, it needs semen on the walls, and the bed sheets, and on the faces of the fuckers. And let us not forget the female...

    You get the point.


    Fuck television, it serves me one purpose, and one purpose only -- To watch me pornos, but let's not get into porno again. I've said my bit. Television is by bar the most mind numbing, skull fucking, shit packing, fear mongering waste-of-fucking-time tool I have ever come across. If I wanted to be told how to look like some Anorexic whore (not that I don't, really) I'd start hanging out in alt.binaries.puke.gut (AFAIK it's not a real group, I don't want to hear about it later, k?). But I'm not. Why? Because:

  • I don't care.
  • I'm better at it than you are.
  • If I actually wanted some pretentious pile of shit to tell me how to get something done, I really would hang around the news groups. While sitting outside a fucking Starbucks, on my new HP laptop with on board Wi-Fi

  • But again, being honest (which I honestly like to do. Honestly) I forgot what the fuck I was talking about, and I do doubt it made much sense. Yet, my radiation meters are tingling, telling me...I don't give too much of a fuck. A little, but not too much.
    Anyways, every smashed in the screen of a nice, new, market fresh television while running it for the first time? No? Good, do it. Now. Cunt.

    My Blog

    LOL, k, so this one time.

    I registered for this fucking MySpace. Well LOL! I'm wasting my time on it. Go fucking figure. Basically, all I need this for is -- Well, no reason. Why the fuck am I here again? Oh. Yeah. ...
    Posted by Wargod on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 02:45:00 PST