Playing ideo games [PS2 RPG's mainly].
Learning new things and always up for trying new things.
Always researching about some topic, whatever that topic may be.
Doesn't like shopping so much because can barely fit into anything,
but loves purses and shoes
...and jewelry.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
[/Marianas Trench]
[/TheDresden Dolls]
Loves gory and scary movies...
like Saw.
But her favourite movie is Sin City...
And she enjoys watching:
Nightmare before Christmas
Edward Scissorhands
Shrek 2
The Notebook
Ever after
Donnie Darko.
Loves sitcoms
Sappy teenage soap operas [The OC! Adam Brody makes me giggle]
Music videos
Stand up comedy
And shows like Family Guy
And South Park.
Loves VC Andrews, she has written so many cool books.
Loves the Da Vinci code.
Was into the Series of Unfortunate Events in grade 5, ha! She liked it before it became soo overrated.
She enjoys reading Harry Potter as well.
Loves loves LOVES Mangas [Japanese comic books].
Jesus Christ.