South Asian Connection(Formally named Indian Connections)
We are here for you whether it is the next hot party, some advice, where to go out or just to talk about what going on in the South Asian Communities.
This is a place where South Asian women and men get together and meet each other. Simple as that.
This group is getting bigger by the day, if you have some info on parties or events going on in your area, email us and we'll post them up on the bulletin so everyone can see.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please send us a message.
Cherryl (Administrator) I'm here representing Sri Lanka baby! My role here is to tell you about the hot spots( PREY, Joseph's Sat, Ivar, Cinespace Sat, Forbidden City Fri or Sat, Joya, PEARL Fri nights, Garden of Eden Sat, El Centro and more) in Southern Cali( mostly for the 21 & over)& South Asian geared Events/parties.I will also tell you about some of the hottest South Asian cuisine restaurants if you need to take family,friends or someone special out to dinner. Have a Birthday or special event coming up and you live in Southern Cali? I can help you out! The new and improved South Asian Connection also now has a place where advice is given on love & friendships by me. So feel free to send me an email and add me to your friends list. Whatever I can do to make South Asian Connection more exciting & appealing for 2005, we will do. One of the ways to make us bigger and better is to tell your other South Asian friends here on myspace to ADD US.Samir (Founder) I started this place first when started up. I thought it would be nice to gather up all the new Indians on myspace (back before the change). I figure we all can meet and greet, chill and talk. I changed the group from Indian Connections to South Asian Connections because I felt my group was too limiting. I had friends (such as Cherryl) who werent Indian but wanted to be part of this group. Therefore I changed this place to South Asians only. It includes a much broader range of people, which means more people to meet and greet. My goal is to have every South Asian in our group so they have somewhere to go when all of myspace is seems like a big scary place. ; )Enjoy everyone.
Upcoming events will be listed here. Send us emails of upcoming parties in your area.Do you know of any expos, festivals, parties or events geared toward South Asians? Let us know since this is how we stay informed.
Right now we all have gone through some serious devastation with the Tsunami tradegy. So the best charity you can give is to donate to the victims of the Tsunami and encourage all your friends to do so. Please be smart and stick to the legitimate charities such as Red Cross, Unicef, OneWorld and Doctors Without Borders.This horrible distaster has killed so many children( one of two people killed in Sri Lanka were children). South Asia and South East Asia has suffered immensly. These countries will continue to rebuild and mourn for years to come. In proportion by population Sri Lanka suffered the most and then Indonesia which has 7 times the population of Sri Lanka. Also places like Phuket, Madras, Chennai, Somalia, Thailand and others were destroyed in some form.You must give back in order to recieve in life. Life rewards action.Please be generous in an way you can.