Pussyfinger is loud, heavy and modern. We do not fit easily into pre-existing genre classifications. If you fear change, then please fuck off now, you are of no use to us. If you are interested in things that are new, challenging and thought-provoking, then come see us play. Or buy the music. Preferably both.
"Chew and Swallow"
the first album from the
industrial-black-ambient-noise duo
Pussyfinger emerges from a psychotic breakdown.
The 11 tracks album veer uneasily through a barren mind state
infected by the disease of capitalism placated by euphoria-inducing drugs.
Weary of the oncoming great industrial collapse precipitated by the rape and misuse of dwindling natural resources, humanity will succumb to facile pablum and delusional utopias. Chew and Swallow is here to facilitate and augment this collapse.
Aquarius Records Reviews "Chew & Swallow"
We're pretty sure that Drucifer (Aq pal, turntablist DIe Elektrischen, head of Dielectric records, etc.) named his new band, a laptop duo with Dielectric labelmate Carson Day, ahem... Pussyfinger, just so we'd have to keep saying it out loud, inevitably causing the speaker, and the speakee, to either wince or giggle or both. It's been a running joke around the shop. "Hey did we get more of that new Dielectric record, you know, the one with Drucifer and Carson...you know... um..." We've come to embrace the name now. Pussyfinger. See? PUSSYFINGER! So besides the provocative monicker, what's all the fuss about? Well, Pussyfinger is the scientific laptop duo of Drew Webster aka Drucifer (see above) and Carson Day, who have melded their individual approaches to music and the laptop in particular and come up with something skittery and electronic enough to keep Boards Of Canada fans in a tizzy, but fucked up enough to keep em seriously confused. Pussyfinger's sound is an organic clatter, it IS glitchy laptronica, but it's arranged and presented like songs, you know like real songs. The elements are distinctly organic, but chopped and sliced and diced in a totally inorganic way. Strings resonate and buzz, but are processed into weird ambient smears of sound. Vocals are all over the place, but they are so fucked with they end up sounding like just another random sound element. The core sound is still electronica, IDM even, there is an Autechre streak a mile wide running through Chew And Swallow, and that's definitely not a bad thing. Things do get noisy at times, thick washes of digital feedback and some full on harsh noise, but there are also some truly lovely moments of tranquil ambience that sort of balance the equation. Ultimately it's the skittery shuffle that is the framework for Pussyfinger's electronic world, think BoC, Autechre, a little Aphex, a bit of Chris Clark, Pussyfinger would not be at all out of place on Warp, but they would definitely bring a bit of black humor and some serious sonic dissent along with them.
Beautifully packaged, with truly horrific, but somehow strangely striking cover art, the perfect complement to Pussyfinger's oh so problematic sobriquet!
Smother.net Review
What can you expect from a band named Pussyfinger whose album cover features a wide open mouth? It doesnt matter what you could expect, because it wont mirror the reality of what they sound like at all. Ambient soundscapes, eerie samples, big beats, and black metal vocals swirl into a miasmic sledgehammer of ambient experimental noise. Glitch riddled laptop electronica thats heavy on noise and experimentation from a duo bent on harshly torturing your eardrums. I love it.
- J-Sin
CD available for sale @
IndustrialBlackAmbientNoise duo
Pat Stage-Act
(Satanically altered game show host robot)
Don Key-Punch
(Sado-Masochistic circuit-bending PETA activist)
Pussyfinger manipulates disease-infested field recordings, malignant
found sound, and other contagious sound sources to reflect the
atrocities of human kind. Through the juxtaposition of magnetic
fields, post-industrial audio blasts and audial representations of human atrocity, Pussyfinger reflects the moral
bereftness of humanity.
"Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly."