Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ profile picture

Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥

You gotta love what you do and believe in what you do, and if somebody doesn`t agree, fuck them —

About Me

.. Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™''So go ahead... argue with the refs. Change the rules. Cheat a little. Take a break and tend to your wounds... but play. Play. Play hard, play fast, play loose and free. Play as if there's no tomorrow. It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.'' - Meredith GreyHi, I' m Annelie!My friends say about me: Meg: ''your pretty and funny and caring and .... you've met loads of famous people and im jealous =] init and every one loves you ♥ '' Janika: ,,Nun soll ich etwas über die Annelie schreiben. Ich muss gleich sagen, dass ich sie nicht 'persönlich' kenne. Aber sie stand genau vor mir, als ich mein erstes Brote Konzert besucht habe, damals kannten wir uns aber noch nicht! Ãœber MySpace haben wir uns hier gefunden. Ich glaube sie kommt viel rum, lässt sich mit jedem Star foten und gewinnt jedes Gewinnspiel im Radio, welches es gibt und ist, gegenüber mir, immer seeehr nett, hilfsbereit und fröhlich. x'D Nach und nach 'lernten wir uns mehr kennen' und ich erfuhr auch, dass sie die gleiche Ausbildung wie ich mache und wir dadurch auch noch anderen Gesprächsstoff haben, außer guten Musik :) Sie hat mir schon mehrere, sehr nette Fotocommis hinterlassen und auch den ein oder anderen netten Kommentar auf meiner Seite! Also ich würde sagen, dass es sich lohnt, sie zu adden!'' Adriane: ''I need 3 hours longer then any other classmates for a class exercise. ;)) ''Merle: ''first i thought i could write something about my cute, lovely friend annelie in english... but the words are failing - so here it comes... in german, of course :)!! wenn ich an annelie denke, fällt mir mit als erstes ihre liebenswerte, wenn manchmal auch etwas gewöhnungsbedürftige art von humor ein - und ich dachte immer, ich sei sarkastisch und würde vor ironie nur so sprühen, aber man lernt ja nie dazu und annelie hat mir gezeigt, es geht immer noch doller, noch ironischer und manchmal auch einfach noch lustiger - sollte es auch manchmal, und machmal auch ma öfters ;), auf kosten anderer sein - ja, in dem fall meine ich mich :D. wobei gesagt werden muss, dass sie das durch ihre tolle art schnell wieder gut zu machen weiss und man gar nicht anders kann als mit ihr zu lachen - ihre fröhlichkeit und positive art ist einfach ansteckend. und wenn sie dann mit einer heißen schokolade ins wohnzimmer kommt, die sie für einen gemacht hat, ist das ganze "getrieze" eh schon längst wieder vergessen ;)!! ''Mona: ''Ok let me think..;] I found her on myspace and sent her a friendsrequest cos we both luv P!NK! Then we met up at the Revolverheld gig last year in Hanover and she gave me a Milkybar! So shes having a special place in my heart!;] I think shes a great person and as mad about concert as me. Its always fun to see her at gigs and i hope we will meet up again soon.:] ''Kristina: ,,hm.. ich kenn dich zwar nicht so gut,aber ich weiß dass du voll lieb bist und dass man mit dir voll viel spaß haben kann!!=) außerdem glaub ich bist du zu jeden freundlich und hilfsbereit und ich glaub du machst jeden blödsinn mit oder?=) also ich find dich einfach voll cool!=) ''Sandra: "Well, first of all I have to admit that so far I haven't met Annelie personally. So I only know her virtually and that's what my comments are based on. People who really know her might be surprised - and may forgive me. I decided to put my idea of Annelie into keywords if you don't mind: charming with an ironic smile, music as a passion, rockin' London, open-hearted, colourful, milkshakes, freckles (just an imagination by myself, sorry if I'm wrong) and sunshine, fun loving, caring, photos and celebs."Janina: ,,Annelie ist super lieb und es macht wirklich Spaß mit ihr zusammen auf Konzerte oder Partys zu gehen. Sie schafft was sie sich vornimmt und lässt sich nicht von nix und niemandem stoppen. Annelie ist fröhlich und steckt einen mit ihrer guten Laune an. Man trifft selten so positive Menschen.''Sare: ''you are so sweet and kind :] i've never met you but if i ever did i'd be very lucky hehe much love xxxx ''

...Through the good times, through the bad times, through the long days, through the hard nights, keep on ‘til we see the sun... -Good Charlotte- ♥
You Belong in London
A little old fashioned, and a little modern.
A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.
A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything.
No wonder you and London will get along so well. What City Do You Belong In?If you' re not in my top friends, it doesn' t mean I don' t like you, it' s just because I' m not in yours, ok?

Myspace Layouts at / Turquoise swirl

My Interests

my earthly pleasures: - my friends and my family - music, concerts and meeting celebs - the seaside -sunshine after it rained -Millie' s cookies -jewellery from Claire' s -ice cream on hot summer days -my room -shopping especially in London -weekends -myspace:-) -funny books and movies -polka dots -hoodies (/boys in hoodies) -my mp3 player -fruit salad and all summerfruits especially raspberrys, strawberrys,blueberry, cherrys,... -sunsets and sunrises -taking photos -cadbury hot chocolate and (cadbury) chocolate in general -fruity lipgloss -writing and getting letters -parks in London -the soap shop Lush! It' s so nice and colorful and it smells delicious, luv the bath bombs and the Soft Coeur massage bar ♥ -guitars (and guitar players:-)) -scented candles -poster -sweet, fruity perfumes (like the Escada summer perfumes) -cocktails (Pina Colada -to relax -to die of laughter -handbags -to varnish my finger nails -cool tops and t-shirts, band t-shirts -sunflowers and roses -butterflies -stars -my diary -(band-) badges -being on the phone with my friends for ages

I'd like to meet:

I always love meeting nice people from all over the world and I think it' s awesome to meet new people at concerts or on holiday,...There are some actors and actresses I' d love to meet, like Wentworth Miller, David Hoflin, Robert Stadlober, Matt Robinson, Caleb Ross, Johnny Depp, Alexandra Maria Lara, Victoria Spence,...I' d ♥ to meet Robbie Williams, please!-''Josh:-) ''And I wanna meet P!nk, Fightstar and Good Charlotte again, because it was so awesome when I met them + my great family and my amazing friends ♥


Fightstar, P!nk, Maximo Park, Revolverheld, fall out boy, Good Charlotte , Shania Twain, Son of dork, Faith Hill, The Feeling, Robbie Williams, Ian O' Brien-Docker+Sebastian Graalfs=Sils Maria&Flash&Gordon, Kid Alex, Wir sind Helden, die Aerzte, Lifehouse, Matt Willis, Sugarplum fairy, Busted, Razorlight, Taking back sunday, Swosh, Tanz der Vampire, Kelly Clarkson, Westlife, Kurt Nilsen, Avril Lavigne , Fettes Brot, Simple Plan , Daniel+Natasha Bedingfield, The Fallout Theory

, Green Day, Muff Potter, McFly, Paramore, Kate Nash, Lucie Silvas , Sum 41, Mia, Prego, Michelle Branch, Jewel, Sunrise Avenue, Panic! at the disco, Sportfreunde Stiller, Brigade, Madsen , The Riverclub, Brooke Fraser, Donots, Placebo, Liz Phair, the all-american rejects, blood red shoes, The Kooks, last picture show, Jimmy eat world , matchbox twenty, goo goo dolls , Coldplay, my chemical romance, the ordinary boys, fallen penny, Kettcar, ffaf, death cab for cutie, Orson, Snow Patrol, Linkin Park, Tomte, the pistol whips, linchpin, beat union + lots of other bands...


a walk to remember ♥ and love actually ♥


my fave tv series of all times:The Tribe ♥ (awesome video from tribeHeaven)american tv series:-grey' s anatomy (I' m really into this show, absolutely love it. I think the quotes by Meredith at the beginning+in the end of the show are the best ♥ )-desperate housewives (just awesome!)-friends (it really makes me laugh)-Buffy (it rocks)-prison break (I' m really into it atm, I think it' s quite cool)-Scrubs (it' s just hilarious)german tv series:-Berlin, Berlin (Lolle und Sven= ♥ sie sind so toll und ueberhaupt die ganze Serie!)-verliebt in Berlin ♥ (aber nur die alten Folgen, jetzt nicht mehr)-Stromberg (das ist ja wohl einfach nur genial!*lol*)tv series from my childhood, I still like to watch:-Minty (a really nice series about a girl from England and a girl from Australia, who look the same, meet each other one day and change indentities. Good series+a very good soundtrack aswell)-ocean girl (I' ll probably love it 4ever! I have a photo of it in my picture section, have a look if you like)-Mensch, Pia! (sehr gute Serie mit einer meiner Lieblingsschauspielerinnen Alexandra-Maria Lara)-Frankie (sehr tolle deutsche Serie mit schoenen Rockballaden)


all the books about Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison, they are the funniest books I' ve ever read by far!+a lot of other books


P!NK ♥ andCharlie Simpson (Fightstar)+Johnny Rzeznik+Loriot+Karlsson vom Dach xD +Pippi Langstrumpf:)

My Blog

Sum 41

First of all: buying ''underclass hero'' is highly recommended! I' d say it' s their best album so far! Ok, I' ll write a bit about the 2 Sum 41 gigs I' ve been to in the last weeks. The first time I ...
Posted by Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 05:19:00 PST

What emo/rock song are you?

You scored as Minority - Green Day. You are "Minority" by Green Day.  You are your own person, and enjoy standing out in a crowd.  You stand for what you believe in, and tend to be a stubbo...
Posted by Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:54:00 PST

einer meiner Lieblingssongtexte

Weiß man, wie oft ein Herz brechen kann? Wie viel Sinne hat der Wahn? Lohnen sich Gefühle? Wie viele Tränen passen in einen Kanal? Leben wir noch mal? Warum wacht man auf? Was heilt die Zeit? Ich...
Posted by Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 06:50:00 PST

about me survey

Get to Know Me...About You...Eye ColorblueHair Colorred-blondHeight1.68 mFavorite ColorblueScreen Namealways different onesFavorite BandFightstar!!Favorite Moviea walk to rememberFavorite TV Showthe t...
Posted by Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 12:26:00 PST


1) Drinking Buddy of The Year? Crissie and Jetti (remember your b-day *lol*) 2) Lifetime service award - Longest friend? Larissa! 3) High point of the year? being an au pair in London til april 4) ...
Posted by Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:58:00 PST

what happens when you put your music player on shuffle?

Instructions:1. Put your music player on shuffle.2. Press forward for each question.3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.4. Chuckle at the answers...heeheeheeNo cheating!____________...
Posted by Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 12:37:00 PST

goo goo dolls tribute

They are just awesome!I saw them live in London at shepherds bush empire and it was amazing. Have a look at my pic page 2 at the bottom, I' ve put on some photos there of me with them and from the co...
Posted by Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 11:25:00 PST

new photos!

comments are welcome me with Brian Molko' s (Placebo) plec. He wrote the ''B'' for Brian on it, cause it was too small for his whole autograph me againnr. 3nr. 4me with the photo of me and Pink (Lond...
Posted by Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 12:34:00 PST

Jimmy eat world ''praise chorus'' lyrics

*luvin the song and the lyrics and Jimmy eat world in general.* They rock!! Jimmy Eat World - Praise Chorus Lyrics Are you gonna live your life wonderin' standing in the backlookin' around?Are you go...
Posted by Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 07:37:00 PST 2

You Should Wear A Black BikiniYou're too sophisticated to be a typical beach bunny...But you may need a bikini to wear to a swanky pool party!What Color Bikini Should You Wear?You Are 60% IndependentO...
Posted by Annelie [dance on the ceiling] ♥ on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 07:30:00 PST