"My Future Baby Moma"My mayor interests is meeting girls, I am glad that I am a man, thank you Lord!! Women are the most beautifullest thing that can make a man happy when he needs a helping hand and I only speak for those women out there who respect there men in anyway. Any guys out there that has one of these make sure YOU TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT!! It's very hard to find the good one's now and days ya know!
I'd like to meet:
Who I would like to meet...whoa that's a little hard, if I could of meet anyone I would probably pick Adam and Eve, go up to Adam and smack the fruit right out his hand then smack him up and knock some sense to his greedy ass. Now you know why greed is the most biggest problem in the world right?!?!!
One Verse Iz All For U...
Add to My Profile | More VideosMy music is everything no favorites there is no such thing as only 1 type of music from Reggaeton to Country, from Powwow music songs of the plain Indians to Paraguayan harp and Indian flutes. What ever it is I"ll listen.
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Cool SlideshowsFree Dosis - 1-11-07 "Entrevista"
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This my favorite of all times and it's a classic, all the parts of A Nightmare On Elm St. The best of all times which gives a quick laugh before he masacre's that ass of yours, Freedy Krueger!
Introduction Pt. I
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"Part I Da Video View"
Introduction Pic Flix Pt. II
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"Part II Da Photo Clips"
I'm not a book eater so I can't say but I am willing to read anything with horror, drama etc.,etc...and most of all comedy but it has to catch my attention!!
My favorite heroes gee wit a mind like minds I have alot staring off by the greatest of all time Superman, you know the name says it all. Then there would be Batman only because he is natural, human and can relate to anybody. Then last but not least would be Incredible Hulk, Spidey, Flash, Woverine from X-Men, Invisble Man can't leave him out and the list goes on but yeah theses are my
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