Creating, Philosophy, Live shows, The Outdoors and all it offers, Making trumpet noises, Starting something new, Finishing what I started, Soccer, Late Night Freestlying, Attempting to surf and being near the beach, Tea, Looking at something for the first time, Music that is funky, Road trips, Asian food - in particular Sashimi, Dancing and dance parties, Vintage clothes, My bed, Jokes and Jokes and Spaghetti, Dali, Meret Oppenheim, Frank Lloyd Wright, Wassily Kandinsky, Good beer, Value-added people
Milton Glaser and Stefan Bucher. I would have liked to been in Gaililei Galileo's crew. Also Steve Prefontaine, George Harrison, and a lot of other people who are mostly dead now. Really, anyone that has something interesting to say - surprise me.
Video I did through work with my CW and the motion and sound department to promote the Detour Festival:
Wow, OK, First off, it has to be the straight FUNK, with that said I listen to: Tribe Called Quest, Digable Planets, J5, Outcast, Fugees, Josh Martinez and Adeem (great white boy rap), Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Gavin Degraw, Marvin Gaye, Fiona Apple, Use to tour with Phish & Spread, MMW, Umphrey's McGee, The Beatles, Motown, Towers of Power and tons of Old 70's Funk, Grew up on Classic Rock, Certain Jazz and Blues, Stevie Wonder, Kid Koala & other scratch DJs, 311, Incubus, Jamiroqaui, Nirvana, Muse, Slide Five, Yes- Michael Jackson, Johnny Cash, oh shit and Reggae. This is a mere sampling of my taste bc there is no way Im going to list them all and do that to you and myself.
Jeepers Creepers was probably the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. I'm less a person for watching it. And they made a sequel! Ha
Larry David is a pure genius. So Seinfeld and Curb are obvious. Deadwood, Oz, Carnivale, Dead Like Me, Arrested Development, Family Guy, & ESPN. Also I can't forget the oldies: from Saved by the Bell and Growing Pains to Heman and The Gummy Bears (Bouncing here and there and everwhere)
I must admit that I didn't read much as a child and have much to make up for. In fact, I did a book report on Soccer Sam for like three straight years. Pathetic I know, yet a very compelling story. With this said, Where the Sidewalk Ends, The Outsiders, and Eat Your Posion Dear were three vivid literary memories of my childhood. Oh, and The Giver by Lois Lowry and Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller continue to have a profound impact on my life. I credit Galileo's Daughter for sparking my interest in reading. Since then I have been catching up on the classics. Three authors that I have found myself: Chuck Palahniuk, Benjamin Cheever, and Kinky Friedman.