Stuff that I Love, Love, Love.....Loving My Family And Friends. LISTEN TO MY MUSIC. BUFFALO WINGS AND RINGS, Being on a Motorcycle. DANCE, DANCE, DANCE. Be IN the water or BY the water. Rainy days, play in the rain, jump in puddles, listening to the rain as it hits the roof or awning. Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the Peanuts Gang. My Cat, Morgan. PENGUINS. Dogs. Anything Titanic. NASCAR (Go Jr.), UFC events. The Detroit Red Wings. The Green Bay Packers. Tailgating. Concerts. BATMAN, Cat Woman, Joker. Road Trips. MAUI, so far to me, the most beautiful place on earth. PIZZA, PIZZA, PIZZA. Play Euchre. Old School Nintendo 'Mario Brothers'. Shoot Pool. Listen to the kids in my family give those deep down laughs, watch them grow, see them smile. Laughing Out Loud. Walter, Peanut, Jose Jalapeno, Melvin and Achmed. Tickling. Movies, Movies, Movies. My Books. Chocolate Chip Cookies. Sitting in Church, all alone when it’s nice and quiet. Fireworks. Soak in the sun for hours and hours. Walk in the sand. Body Surf. Wake Boarding. Taking Pictures. Give Massages; Get Massages. Kiss, Hug, Cuddle. People Watching. Wild Flowers. The look on someone’s face when you give them a present. Not growing up all way. Pillow Fights. Water Balloon Fights. Board Games. Holidays, in the following order: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, 4th of July. Hot Tubs. Leather Jackets. Torn and Tattered Jeans. Vintage Rock Band T-Shirts. Taking care of my plants and Flowers. Pancakes. Palm Trees and the Ocean. Day dreaming. Going to the gun range. Jell-O Shots. Strawberry Daiquiris. Sea Breezes. Drinking Ice Cold Water. Sleeping In. Animals and their causes. Going to the Zoo. Baking. Decorating my House and Yard. Being Organized. Cleaning. Learning New Things.. Living in a state that has four seasons. Marilyn Monroe. Old Hollywood. Now I’ll end this the way I began it, Loving My Family And Friends!
I love meeting the Men and Women that have fought OR are fighting now, to defend our Country.
Only by talking to a Solider can you TRULY APPRECIATE what they have done for this Country & what it stands for!
I like meeting Drama Free, Laid Back, One Day At A Time People who are REAL-which means NOT FAKE.
I only want to be around people who take their friendships serious and DON'T take their Friends for granted.
Every chance encounter and each new person that enters your life changes it in some small way
be it good or bad. I make the choice to only give and except these encounters and changes for
the GOOD, cause after all, if you look hard enough and stick around long enough you can find good
in everyone. Life is to short and I don't plan on spending what little time is left with a bunch of mindless empty droned out sheep that have nothing better to do then be fake, abusive or negitive. HURTFUL PEOPLE SUCK!
Music is a huge PASSION of my life. Have you ever heard a song that can nail exactly something currently going on in your life or from your past? How about the songs that make it so easy for you to put your feelings about Something or Someone into perspective? What about songs that just puts a smile on your face or hope in your heart? There is not a song I hear that is not attached to some memory. Each time I hear the songs I love, I can remember Exactly what I was doing the first time I heard it, and Exactly how it made me feel.
“Music Is What Feelings Sound Likeâ€
I like my movies. From the Golden Age of Hollywood to Disney & everything in between. My favorite genre is Horror. When I made a list of all the movies I liked, I realized I need to get a life. But on the upside, I'm a good person to have on your trivia or scene it team!
I enjoy Big Brother, UFC events, True Crime Dramas and NASCAR. I like most shows on the Discovery, A&E and History Channels
Books can take me anywhere I want to go. I read the Bible daily along with using a few study aides. The authors I usally read are:
I don't know about Heroes, but these are the people that I look up to the most.
♥♥♥ The Brave Men and Women who protect this great nation and those that came before them~Daily they put themselves on the line for not only our Freedom but to help those who have no hope.
♥♥♥ My Parents, for what they went through Before, During and After each other.They never gave up on each other, no matter what!
♥♥♥ Sierra for being a TRUE survivor no matter what & for ALWAYS putting a smile on my face!
♥♥♥ My Grandmother for showing me what it really means to forgive and really be there for someone you love when it counts the most.
♥♥♥ Fire Fighters, Police Officers and Teachers...the most underpaid and under appreciated people in the world.
♥♥♥ Women who paved the way for my future.