The Scenarios profile picture

The Scenarios

The planets are singing...

About Me

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urban shamans

music beheld


electrical mystics

^_^ kitty cats ^_^


My Interests


Member Since: 5/5/2008
Band Website: coming soon!
Band Members:&nbsp

Nova Cygnus: Synesthesia, Guitars,
Processors, Speculationand
The Ow364: Sequencers, Mixers,
Digital Funk, Beats, Synths

Sounds Like:

dreams, stories, fairy tales,
nightmares, paradox, rainbows,
poetry, sunsets, deserts, storms,
plants, tribes, ruins, beasts,
technology, shamanism,
mystical dimensions, xenoglossy,
forests, skies, falling snow,
pouring rain, smashing thunder,
quantum entanglement, sorcery,
landscapes, functional art,
vandalism, prediction,
yin and yang

Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None