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oNe LiFe. oNe LoVe.

About Me

HiYeEeEe WeLcoMe tO mY PagE.. iM aBygaiL.. mY gUrLfRieNdS aNd fRieNdLy fRieNdS uSed tO CaLL mE aBby, gHaiL, eYbEe, or B.. iMMa tyPiCaL KiNd Of gUrL wHo aLwaYs WaNNa cHiLL WitH mY gUrLfRieNdS aNd LoVed oNeS.. iMMa HaPpY PeRsoN cOz i doNt WaNNa fEeL sAd oR aLoNe, iM sWeEt.. a LoT Of PeopLe HaVe toLd mE tHaT iM CaRiNg, fuN tO bE WitH, LoViNg aNd joYoUs.. hMmMm i gUeSs sO cOz oNcE a goOd fRieNd Of MiNe tHaNkEd mE HoW MucH sHe Had fuN bEiNg WitH mE.. aNd tHaT sHe ReaLLy eNjoYed mY CoMpaNy aNd LiKe sHe jUsT CaMe oUt fRoM a sHeLL.. sHoW HeRseLf wHo sHe ReaLLy iS.. sOuNdS fuNnY hUh?! yEaH yEaH yEaH i caN sAy tHaT iM a CoWboY tYpE eSpeCiaLLy wHeN iM WitH mY bOo.. i LiKe sHoWiN' HiM wHo i ReaLLy aM.. tHaT i aiN't afRraid sHoWiN' oFf oR geTtiN' doWn aNd diRtY.. tHeN mY bOo wOuLd sAy tO HiS cReW SHES THE ONE.. aWwWwW... NuFf sAid..

iMMa adVeNtuRoUs gUrL wHo LoVeS tO tRaVeL.. sEe diFfeReNt pLaCeS aNd CuLtuReS.. mEeT diFfeReNt KiNdS Of PeopLe aNd LeaRn tHe LoCaLs.. i MeaN tHeiR LaNgUagEs .. i ReaLLy LiKe sPeNdiN TiMe WitH tHe wHoLe faMiLy aNd HaVe a BoNdiNg SeSsioNs WitH mY CouSiNs.. tHe faCt tHaT WeRe aN eXteNdEd faMiLy tHe cLoSeR tHe tiEs wE hAd.. aNd iM ReaLLy LoViN iT NoW wHeN iM HomE jUsT LaZiN' aRouNd.. i LiKe WatcHiN tHe tuBe fRoM MoVieS tO MiNi SeRieS tO aSiaNoVeLaS.. iM NoT a cOucH PoTaTo bUt LoVe tHe tuBe.. aNd wHeN iM geTtiN tiRed Of WatcHiN i pRoBabLy feLL asLeEp oR fLiPpiN' tHroUgH tHe PagEs oF CoSmO mAg.. aNywaYs wHaT i ReaLLy ReaLLy LoVe sPeNdiN TiMe WitH WeRe mY gUrLfRieNdS cOz wE totaLLy cLicKed.. WeRe LiKe SouL SiSteRs.. WeRe aLwaYs HaViN fuN wHeNeVeR wHeRe wE aRe.. eVeN dRiViN iN toWn.. SaYiN oR dOiN s***y PreTty tHaNg oN EacH otHeR.. fOoLiN aNd gOofiN aRouNd.. wE aLso LoVed tEaSiN aT EacH otHeR.. LaugHiN oUr aSseS oFf WitH EacH otHeRs MiStaKeS WeRe a ReLiEf foR aLL Of uS.. wE LoVe tO taKe PiCtuReS oF oUrseLvEs aNd eVeN PoSiNg oN a cAm cOz wE LoVe tO CaPtuRe EacH MoMeNtS.. WatcHiN fLicKs.. EatiN oUt oR cHiLLiN iS tHe BeSt foR uS.. aNd wHeN SoMeoNe iS KiNda uPsEt oR doWn.. eVeRyBodY iS tHeRe foR HeR.. tO giVe CoMfoRt aNd LoVe wHiLe LiSteNiN tO sLoWjaMz BacKgRouNd MuSiC aNd LigHtS ofF WitH sWeEt sCeNtEd CaNdLeS..

i ReaLLy LoVe mY caM foNe & mY PC NoTeBoOk cOz i LoVe suRfiN tHe NeT, i'M iNtO bAgs, sHoEs, cLoThEs, aCceSsoRieS, cOsMoPoLitaN mAgAziNeS, cLuBBin', i'M aLsO iNtO cArS.. fAsT, fAst, fAst cArs... eSpEciaLLy tHoSe CuStoMizEd wHiPs.. LiKe tHe oNe wE sAw iN a cAr ShOw... HoNdA BoDy bUt EvO eNgiNe.. mAn tHaT wAs tiGht... i LoVe gOiN' tO cAr sHoWs.. LoVe cHecKiN' tHoSe cArs.. i cAn sTaY tHeRe fRoM mOrNiN' tiLL dAwn... oOh i LoVe dRaG RaCiN'... i LoVe RaCiN' oN tHe sTrEetS.. i kNoW iT's iLLeGaL.. bUt i LiKed iT.. tHaT's iS a "REAL SHOW" cOz tHaT wAs RaCe iS aLL aBoUt... bEiN' rEaL... fOr mE HoNdA iS ReaL TiGhT wHeN iT cOmEs tO cArS cOz U dOn'T nEeD tO PuT soMe soMe oN iT's BodY... eSpEciaLLy tHe SiR aNd hAtChBaCk.. mAn u jUsT nEed tO wOrK oN iTs PaiNt tO HaVe a PiMP LoOk & maKe PeOpLe hEaDs tUrN.. nAw' mEaN... tHe KiTs aRe aLsO iMpOrTaNt... iF yOuR wHiP LoOk tiGhT oUtsiDe.. bEtTeR hAvE a KiCk-AsS kiTs iNsiDe...

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    fAsT aNd ThE fuRiOus 2fAsT2fuRiOus LaSt RidE tHe RoOkiE cRaZy/bEaUtiFuL LegALLy bLoNdE 10 tHiNgs i hAtE aBoUt YoU dRiVe mE cRaZy bRiNg iT oN cOyotE uGLy sAvE tHe LaSt daNcE HoNeY daNgErOuS miNds jAwbReAkEr sHe's aLL tHat jAcKaSs tHe MoviE tHE PaCifieR fRiDaY NigHtS oUt ToRqUe jeRseY giRL mEaN giRLs h0w t0 LoSe a guY iN 10 daYs gRiNd WicKeR ParK sLeEpoVeR sHe HatE mE mY BoSs'S dAugHteR gUeSs wHo? HoUsE oF WaX sHaLL wE daNcE? tAxi mR. 3000 fiRsT dAugHteR mEeT tHe foCkeRs sPaNgLisH tHiRtEeN RaiSiNg HeLeN HiTcH oCeaNs 11 & 12 tHe HauNtEd mAnSi0n sTucK oN YoU Bef0rE SuNseT tHe NoTeBo0k PriNcESs diaRiEs 1 & 2 eLLa eNcHaNtEd oLd sCh0oL tHe LiZziE mCgUiRe m0viE mS. c0ngEniaLitY h0w t0 dEaL a CiNdeReLLa sTorY sTaRskY & HuTcH EuRotRiP tHe PriNcE & mE nEw YorK MiNutE jeRrY mAgUiRe c0nfEsSi0nS oF a tEeNagE dRaMa QuEeN fReDdY g0t fiNgeRed 13 g0iNg oN 30 d0rM dAzE aMeRicaN PiE 1 & 2 aMeRicaN PiE tHe WeDdiNg MoNaLiSa sMiLe wHeN a MaN LoVes a WoMaN tWo wEeKs n0tiCe WeDdiNg SiNgeR sCeNt oF a WoMaN mEeT tHe PaReNtS i d0 BuT i d0n'T a guY tHiNg ToP GuN Le diVoRcE fReAkY fRidaY wHaT a giRL wANtS HoT cHicK fiNaL dEsTiNaTioN 1 & 2 dRuM LiNe dUpLeX RuNaWaY bRidE mY bEsTfRieNdS wEdDiNg aLeX & EmMa iCe PriNceSs cHeaPeR bY tHe doZeN

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    oNe TrEe HiLL SiMpLe LiFe 1, 2 & 3 pRiSoN bReaK kNoCk FiRsT qUeEr eYe FoR tHe sTrAiGhT GuY & GiRL wHat i LiKe aBoUt YoU oUtBaCk JaCk dAviD bLaiNes fEaR fAcToR tHe bAcHeLLoR/eTte sUrViVoR MtV F miSaDvEntUrEs oF aRieL aNd mAveRicK MtV diSmiSsEd MtV PuNk'd MtV cRiBs PiMP mY RiDe MtV jaMs eXtRa cHaLLEngE fuLLh0uSe WoW MaLi aRrEsTeD dEveLoPmEnT TRL MtV wHaTeVeR tHiNgS WiLd BoYz aMeRiCa'S NeXt ToP m0deL oPraH bRiNi MaXweLL sHoW fAsHioN tRaNcE tHe aPpReNticE fiFtH wHeeL NiPtUcK c0mMiTeD aMeRiCaN idoL tHaT's s0 RaVeN jAg BoLd & bEaUtifuL aLLy McBeaL RidEs uLtiMaTe caRs aUtO eXtReMe HoTwiRe LiZzie McgUiRe gRoWiNg uP g0tTi SigNifiCaNt otHeRs SeiNfieLd TemPtAtioN isLaNd WiLL & gRaCe aMbUsH maKeoVeR c0mpLeTe SaVagEs wHo wAnTs t0 mArrY mY dAd j0aN oF aRcAdiA aMeRiCaN dReaM giRLs bEhaViNg BadLy MaXiMuM eXpoSuRe ET LiVe KiNg oF qUeEnS MaLcoLm iN tHe MiddLe


    dRaMa qUeEn bReAkUp diAriEs aLmOsT mArRiEd mR. wRitE ToUgH LoVe wAnDeR GirL No BoYfRieNd SiNcE BiRtH hAvE BaBy wiLL dAtE? ViNcE's LifE BeTwEeN diNnEr & tHe mOrNiNg aFteR GirLs iN PaNtS tHe SiStErHoOd oF tHe tRaVeLiNg pAnTs tHe O.C. MoViNg oN dAtEaBLe aNgUs tHoNgS aNd FuLL fRoNtaL sNogGiNg cAn YoU kEeP a SeCrEt? ShoPaHoLic tHe fiVe PeopLe YoU mEeT in HeAvEn

My Blog

To mY fRieNdS wHo aRe........

1.To My Friends Who Are...........SINGLELove is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. Love can make...
Posted by eYbEe on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 08:56:00 PST

JeaLouSy JeaLouSy JeaLouSy..

Jealousy seems to just "happen". But there are ways to overcome jealousy. Here are some tips you can try for yourself: 1. Recognize that you have become jealous Recognition is the first step towards o...
Posted by eYbEe on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 03:44:00 PST

HoW To DeVeLoP TRUST iN a ReLaTioNSHiP..

When distrust, arises in a relationship there are many factors which can be causing it. Unless we understand where these feelings are coming from, it becomes easy to act out, blame the partner and put...
Posted by eYbEe on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 05:58:00 PST

wHaT i’Ve LeaRNeD iN LiFe...

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back....
Posted by eYbEe on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:49:00 PST

MYoH @ RoCKWeLL, MaKaTi oN MaY o2-o4, 2oo8

EVENT MECHANICS & RULES((A. Make Your Own Havaianas is an event which runs from May 2 to 4, 2008 at the Rockwell Tent, Makati City where you can customize your own pair of flip-flops. (((B. You can cr...
Posted by eYbEe on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 07:37:00 PST

ReLaTioNsHiP SeCReTs

ANNIVERSARIESAlways celebrate! Whether it's the 1st or the 50th, each year together is a triumph.APPRECIATIONLet each other know how much you appreciate each other. You may already know but hearing it...
Posted by eYbEe on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 08:33:00 PST

18 tHiNGs i LoVe aBouT cRaS ^_^

i LoVe tHiS GuY wHo's VeRy GeNtLeMaNi LoVe tHiS GuY wHo MaKeS mE sMiLe wHeN i'M SaDi LoVe tHiS GuY wHo's iNTeLLiGeNt eNouGh To TeaCh mE NeW tHiNGsi LoVe tHiS GuY wHo uNDeRStaNd mE CoMpLeTeLyi LoVe tHi...
Posted by eYbEe on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 07:55:00 PST

oN LoVe & ReLaTioNsHiPs

Anyone who has gone through the agony of losing someone she/he loves so much will still wish against all odds to have that love back again. But, sometimes a love lost is a love gone forever. No amount...
Posted by eYbEe on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 09:53:00 PST

15 tHiNGs GiRLs WiSH GuYs kNeW

(there are a lot of things we wish people (man, woman, gay, lesbian..etc) knew, so...quit being a sexist freak and maybe you would not seem as sad as you already do!)1. Don..t tell us when you think o...
Posted by eYbEe on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 06:18:00 PST

fRoM a GiRLs PoiNt oF VieW..

It takes us hours to prepare when we go out not 'cause we're flirty but because we want to look good for you.Don't just get mad when we wear short skirts. Be protective. We like it, just not overdone....
Posted by eYbEe on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:16:00 PST