Zia profile picture


sunshine over the rain. (okay, this is my public profile, and my other one is my private meaning i w

About Me

Izabella aka zia, is what you can name me. I love long walks at the beach, Going shopping in all the mall's you can name. Partying everywhere but not so often, playing any sport any time.and running wild.Im just a girl in this random place at all times Im not the most amazing girl in the world, but very simple and real.. I love complements but dont agree on them. i cannot resist abeach called "BORACAY" i may be lazy at times but very active and hyper all the time. i think anything could be Gorgeous in and out.. i can be the MOST talkative person in the world. You may call me a bitch. but you may have just misunderstood my concept. I dive as deep as i can in any way. I may be a geek at times but im a geek who love's passion. I hate talking about myself (as you can see) taking risk is my thing. i i love my job. Im just someone you dont get to know just like that. Just wait for me to be comfortable with you. then you'l see my true self. im one of the most emotional woman in the world, though very realistic.I love God. and I'm very happy to have the friends i have now. I think my family is the greatest gift God has ever gave me.. I hate SNAKES// any insect you can name. All the bitchy people who think their all that. and people who hurt my loved once's. (so back off) Im as normal as can be.I may not be ms.Perfect. But better yet. I'm Ms. un-perfect.watevs, I LOVE PANIC! AT THE DISCO. MyGen Profile Generator ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The Best Myspace Survey Ever!
Time Started:: --
--About You--
Name:: Izabella aka Zia
Gender:: Female.
Age:: 14
Date of Birth:: MAY 10,92
Zodiac Sign:: tarus
Hair Color:: black//brown
Eye Color:: dark brown
Height:: Something i wish i didnt know.
Birthplace:: manila.
Current Location:: manila?
Current School Name:: no details:P
School Mascot:: my ugly teacher. HA HA.
School Colors:: red//white//green
Current Grade:: 2edyr.
Class of...?:: --
Do you like School?:: Sometimes.
Favorite Class:: PE//Social. (history FREAK)
Least Favorite Class:: MATH. ihate.
Good, Bad, or Average Grades:: good//average.
What college do you want to go to?:: any college in the states.
What will you major/minor in?: LAW..
Food:: Do i have a favorite? NO. i LOVE all.
Drink:: alcoholic-non alcoholic.
Color:: PINK.
Number:: like hello? who cares.
Sport:: soccer//basketball.
Actress:: Anjelina jolie.
Movie:: the notebook.
TV Show:: the OC.
Season:: Summer. beachbum
Time of Day:: anytime.
Holiday:: MY birthday. a reason to be given gifts and not to give.
Band:: lots.
Song:: lots.
Country:: FRANCE.
Ice Cream Flavor:: vanila.yum
Single?:: yes. rarw. (ha.ha)
If so, do you have a crush?:: unless he looks like SUPERMAN. eww NO.
If not, what's his/her name?:: okay weird question.
Ever been in love?:: that ill get back to you.
Shortest relationship:: 2days.
Longest relationship:: 2years. (onoff.)
Do you want to get married?:: oh ya. but not with you.
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?:: Face.
Favorite thing about the opposite sex?:: ABS:P
Number of Brothers:: skip.
Number of Sisters:: skip.
Do you get along?:: no, ONE is a jerk.
Pets:: 1
What are they?:: dog.
Are you a good friend?:: hell ya. ha ha
Would you rather have a lot of "sort-of" friends or a few good friends?:: few good friends.
Has anyone ever told you that you were a good friend?:: no. they no that already ha ha.
Outgoing or Shy:: OUTGOING.
Do you like to make new friends?:: yeah.
Religion:: born again
Are you open about your beliefs?:: yep
Do you believe in the traditional Heaven and Hell?:: yep
Predestination:: -
Love at first sight:: sometimes,
Astrology/Horoscopes:: yep
Evolution:: YES. i know this guy who didnt even finish it. haha
Life on other planets:: no. lets think about reality shall we?
Are you superstitious?:: sadly yes.
--This or That--
Rock/Country:: none.
Diamonds/Pearls:: i love diamonds. (hint for my gift.)
Puppies/Kitties:: puppies. i HATE cats.
Contacts/Glasses:: contacts.
USA/Canada:: USA.:P i love eating with a spoon.
Gold/Silver:: both.
Pepsi/Coke:: pepsi..
McDonalds/Burger King:: Mc Donalds my hang out place HA HA.
Chicken Fingers/Chicken Nuggets:: both yumyum/
Skiing/Snowboarding:: snowboarding. imiss.
East Coast/West Coast:: any coast?
London/Paris:: PARIS.
New York/L..A.:: L.A
Morning/Night:: it matters. when im going out.
Love/Money:: hmmm, hard question. BOTH.
Target/Walmart:: any?
MSN Messenger/Yahoo! Messenger: YM:P
--Do You--
Shower Daily:: like. who doesnt?
Write Memos on your hands:: no. skin cancer much.
Have any special sleeping requirements (i.e. lights off, left side, etc.):: i have lots of requirements,that i would rather keep to myself.
Like yourself:: oh ya,ha ha.
Have any weird habits:: same answer in both 2ed and 4th question.
--Have You Ever--
Gone skinny dipping:: no. wouldnt wana
Smoked a cigarette:: the question is DID YOU?
Been in love:: MAYBE.
Been heartbroken:: maybe?
Had a crush on a teacher:: eww no.
Been expelled/suspended:: no. im a good girl HA HA HA.
Got detention:: like its my class.
Thrown up in public:: yes. I WAS DRUNK a very good reason.
Been out of the country:: duh.
Flown in an airplane:: yes and hated it.
Done drugs:: something i couldnt hate more. no.
Drank alcohol:: like water. kidding:P
Been to sleep-away camp:: Yes.
Been sent to the principal's office:: No. everyone in school loves me. HA HA.
Made a prank phone call:: yes and i was so scared haha.
Cried yourself to sleep:: yep.
Broken a bone:: ouch just last month! haha
Laughed so hard you cried:: oh yes.
Cried so hard you laughed:: like every time!
Climbed a tree:: no. i dont do monkey moves.
--Ratings (1-10 On How Important It Is)--
Friends:: i love my friends
Family:: i LOVE my family
Music:: I love music
Love:: i LOVE, love
Happiness:: I love being happy
Life:: i love life.
Education:: i sorrta love education
Religion:: i love church
Medication:: i love medication? SAY WHAT?
Food:: I LOOOVEE food.
Sleep:: I love sleeping.
Nature:: I love nature. unless its like full of pollution.
Comfort:: I love comfort? ugrh
Computer:: i love my computer
Time Ended:: --
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My Interests

Partying, watching movies, sports, shopping, hanging out with my friends, ect..

I'd like to meet:

I would love that no one msg telling me to add them:) you guys can add me anytime. I would love it if people wouldnt send/comment me perverted things. thats a big NO NO.:) please dont be disrespectful watsoev. thanks guys! TAKECARE:) http://princesszia.multiply.com -my site

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I love comment's, don't you? i dont want to be rude or anything but please dont give me any disrespectful/weird comments:) Please, for the people you guys really dont have to say "thanks for the add" - to everyone YOUR WELCOME:) Please change your pass word if your profile is posting these dumb comments:) its a virus. Ill add anyone:) and ill reply to everyone if i have time:) THANK YOU!:). -zia


House/r&b anything thats nice to listen too..


I loveeee so many! *thenotebook*


too much to name. too little time. lol.


i love reading!:)


God. always first. mother,sister's,and the people i love most.