********SEMPER FIDELIS******** profile picture

********SEMPER FIDELIS********


About Me

Note:::::YOU MUST BE OVER 18 TO ENTER MARY'S WORLD!!!!I am a retired United States Marine. I am proud to have served my country.I have three beautiful children that God has blessed me with.My children and I also have wonderful pets. We have four Siberian Huskies.There names are Semper FI, Snow Sun, Angel and Mama's boy (still with mama). Also, we have two parakeets named Blueberry and Snowflake.I believe that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is always there for us. I am a Christian. I am Russian Orthodox. My grandparents immigrated fm Russian during the Bolshevik revolution. I still have family somewhere in the Russian Carapatheian Mountains and in Translavania.FUTHERMORE, I USED TO MUSLIM AND I AM GLAD I WAS.... I LEARNED ALOT FROM THE HOLY QURAN ON HOW TO HELP THE POOR AND SUFFERING..... I AM RUSSIAN ORTHODOX NOW, HOWEVER, I AM VERY GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR MY THREE MUSLIM CHILDREN..... ....THE BIBLE AND THE HOLY QURAN ARE TAUGHT IN MY HOME....My grandparents I love dearly. They took care of me when my father fought in the Vietnam war. My grandfather (God rest his soul) taught me alot in life along with my grandmother. Good work ethic, involvement in your community and church, and work hard and never give up.I am currently going to school. This summer I start attending Harvard University. I love physics and science. Also, I enjoy studying history.I grew up in Europe near Ramstein and Weisbaden Germany. I have traveled and lived in many countries. I love meeting people from all over the world. We all have something we can learn from each other. Also, I enjoy traveling. It is so fun to go to other countries and learn about their history, beliefs and cultures and meet new people.I currently live in Norcross, Georgia USA. It is about 10 miles outside of Atlanta. It is a beautiful city. Norcross also has a historic district which is wonderful to visit.

My Interests

Speaking out for disabled Veterans. Ford Mustang Shelby GT500>>my favorite car Volunteering in my community. MY CHILDREN ARE EVERYTHING TO ME!!!

I'd like to meet:

To find my friends (OVER 18 ONLY), because the stupid hacker destroyed my profileStrict rules for being my friend::1. Loyalty is everything to me. Friends support and help each others life get better. We mentor and guide each other and our families to a better place in this world.2. No politics or statements3. No bad mouthing-I don't want to fucking hear it.4. Music and sex has no boundries. Let's leave it at that.5. In my profile we are loyal and supportive of each other. We never leave anyone behind. SEMPER FI6. Leave your weapons, anger, pride, hatred at the entrance of "Mary's World": !!Do not bring that fucking shit with you to my world.!! Pick it up when you leave. ""Leave my world the same way you found it. Happy, Sexual, Loving, Erotic, Networking, Great Music, New Business Transactions."" 7. Do not be sneaky. Just because I am not online doesn't mean I don't know what's going on. I have the biggest weapon of all!!!THE DELETE BUTTON!!!Finally, if I find out you do not go by my rules I will hunt you down and delete your fucking ass. Otherwise, I am a nice person to get along with.God Bless, SEMPER FI, Mary




Doctor House Sponge Bob Old movies, I love old movies


Discovery channel TBS


Physics Dragons Mythical


My children All of the soldiers fighting to protect the United States of America. All of the Disabled Veterans

My Blog

Victoria..s secret models

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7mouWW8Qkk ...
Posted by ********SEMPER FIDELIS******** on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 05:15:00 PST

The Loyalty of Arabian Horses (Desert Kings) .JHD 'D(/H

Posted by ********SEMPER FIDELIS******** on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 08:36:00 PST

Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry MUSIC VIDEO

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5AyHbrCYb0 ...
Posted by ********SEMPER FIDELIS******** on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 08:08:00 PST