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About Me


Have a passion for still and moving pictures. I am currenlty working on a documentary. www.synthesisfilms.com

.. make


My Interests

photography, spinning, painting, film, wine, chocolate, reading, NpR, music, collecting vinyl, nature, yoga, running, french fries, beer, my wrecking crew.......www.democracynow.org

I'd like to meet:

intelligent, artistic, politically concious people who are open minded and progressive. it would be pretty amazing to hang out with this crew : amy & david sedaris, stephen colbert, jon stewart.

This is one of Bansky's masterpieces. I need to meet this man.


will oldham, jim o'rourke, sonic youth, papa m, slint, cannibal ox, aesop rock, diverse, rjd2, dj shadow, miles davis, fessenden, coltrane, the ex, fugazi, john zorn, plaid, autechre, matmos, boards of canada, albert ayler, cat power, can, grateful dead, aphex twin, wu tang, four tet, sea and cake, nirvana, nas, wilco, plaid, ui, triage, andrew bird, fennesz, main, the microphones, amon tobin, bjork, dan the automator, tony buck, the necks, danger mouse, jay-z, the beatles, quicksand, dalek, diplo, the liars, tv on the radio, bloc party, prefuse 73, immortal technique, anything off def-jux, i listen to good shit plain and simple!


in the mood for love, pulp ficiton, 8 1/2, hero, princess monoke, ratcatcher. some of my favorite filmmakers are: michael moore, DAVID LYNCH, goddard, wes+pt anderson, quinten tarantino, john waters, christopher gust, harmony korine, spike jonze, spike lee, kurosawa, woody allen, lars van trier, JOHN CASSAVETTES etc, etc,


the simpsons, daily show, family guy, tv funhouse, rick steves, the sopranos, colbert report, reno 911, harvey birdman, italian news channel, the sopranos, arrested development


some of my favorite authors include : Malcolm X, vonnegut, thompson, mailer, michael moore, david sedaris, daniel quinn, huxley, orwell, zinn, chomsky, kafka, hunter s. thompson, margaret atwood, herman hesse, alice walker, upski, chris ware, ray bradbury, milan kundera, martin luther king jr, jose saramago


my mom. Laura. alice walker. amy goodman. Rachel Corrie. robert frank. banksy.

My Blog


As I'm sure you've heard, the dogs on Michael Vick's property didn't stand a chance. According to a federal prosecutor, they were allegedly hanged, slammed to the ground, drowned, electrocuted after b...
Posted by danielle on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 11:22:00 PST

NYC to require formal permits for a wide range of casual photography and filmmaking! Help save!

This is really, really serious. If this passes you will need a permit to film or take pictures in NYC. Please take two minutes to help save a spontaneous art form. Please help get the word out!! T...
Posted by danielle on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 10:13:00 PST

Inwood is the shit! But we have no internet....UNTIL THE 15TH.

get back to you all then...peacedanielle
Posted by danielle on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:45:00 PST

An Inconvienent Truth

So no matter what your political stance is YOU must go see this film. It is not a political issue but a moral issue. Really powerful and unbelievably moving and inspiring. I just wish that Gore sho...
Posted by danielle on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 12:58:00 PST

Moving to NYC August 1

We got the place in Manhattan. Moving the last week in July. So we are going to be selling lots of stuff. Hope to see the peeps I haven't seen in such a long time. Keep you posted on the BIG party...
Posted by danielle on Fri, 26 May 2006 03:16:00 PST


Don't ever go to these fuckers on Dearborn. They are the worst! For real. Completely scandalous and unprofessional. Just a word of advice.
Posted by danielle on Fri, 26 May 2006 03:13:00 PST

Old work up on flickr.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/38685164@N00/sets/7205759408223 5504/show/
Posted by danielle on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 11:11:00 PST

Married for five months now!

It is so crazy that Josh and I have been married for five months now.Feels like yesterday we were bugging out to get all paper work stamped and sealed for Italy. What an amazing wedding. Definetly m...
Posted by danielle on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 11:06:00 PST

Fessenden has it's MYSPACE playa up!

That's right yha'll. We finally got that bitch up and running. They got some old goodies up right now and also some suprises in the mix. Check and give the boys some love. You can also add it ...
Posted by danielle on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 12:20:00 PST

Fessenden at Links Hall, Sunday, 2/12/06, 7:30pm

Yo, all you bitches should come out and play. Then we can get drink afterwards.
Posted by danielle on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 11:35:00 PST