Advertisement in all its forms. Photography. Music – I can’t live without it.
People with whom I can have this conversation before I leave again: - Pooh, when I…you know…when I do Nothing, will you come sometimes here? - Just me? - Yes, Pooh. - Are you going to be here? - Yes, Pooh. Really, I promise. - That is nice – said Pooh. Without taking his eyes off the world, Christopher Robin stretched his hand and took Pooh’s paw. - Pooh, he said seriously, - if…if not really…- he stopped and then tried again: - Pooh, anything that might happen, you would know right? - Know what? - Oh, nithing – Christopher Robin jumped to his feet. – Come on! - Where to? – asked Pooh. - Wherever… And they walked away together.
All the DJ’s and musicians that I like are here. The only ones missing are those who do not have a myspace account.
they are so many… All the Edward Norton and Sean Penn. I like Bulgarian classics, too.
Moderately. I watch only the news.
Winnie the Pooh, Lord of the rings and of course the ones I write myself…
All my friends!!!