K-Way profile picture


"...oggi come ieri sono nato domani..."

About Me

CLOCKBONG l'unico bong che ti ricorda che è sempre ora di una mista[by2r1 ctrl+x]FREE TIBET NOW Pechino 2008 le olimpiadi dell'uguaglianza?[by 2r1 ctrl+x]GoTeK[TNL]+MrTooLs[TNL]+NoUt[HereTik] Live-set with 2r1[ctrl+x]Visual-set @Alpheus[21-12-07]
COLOCON MONKEY CIRCUS (Gotek, Floxytek, Nout, Tools...)
by Drumalistik Associazione Amici di dEPPo+K-WaY project+TeKtriS Squad @parco Iris padova_______concerto musica elettronica... COMING PaRtY....[2r1Visual-Set] -Pensieri[videopoesia by 2r1]2r1' FIRST ViSUAL-SeT @BArI with GUIGOO [NarkoTeK] MacroStrObORooR K-WaY+TeKtriS @ParcoIriS giornata outsider

My Interests


Member Since: 5/3/2008
Influences: _
Sounds Like: Flo6TeK_[TNL]Live-set with 2r1_[ctrl+x]Visual-set @AlPhEus[rome]FMCparty [30-5-08] floxytek alpheus
__OsMiK live set___with_____2r1 & m1ll3r [ctrl+v] visual-set @Alpheus FMCparty[30-05-08] K-Way' flyer: DpKg+TeNoRudY+tektris+GoTeK[24/04]+SeNo[10/05]+2r1[visual] @MoGLiAnO-______________________-Some 2r1[Ctrl+V] flyer: -
Record Label: NSC-dEPPo
Type of Label: Indie