Dave Neufeld profile picture

Dave Neufeld

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'd say I love music the most. I attempt spider weaving drum style in VELODROME with a particular emphasis on groove. I collect music and actually listen to it. I like getting to know my records without constantly trying to update them.
I've developed a real affinity for reading. I prefer fiction, but I do enjoy non-fiction and finding out new shit. And comics, ah. There's just something about them. I like the alternative stuff mostly but there's great reading to be had in this medium.
Quite simply, I love and live with a woman named Kristin.
Also I play these kind of games too much:


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking... The solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker." - Albert Einstein
"Road rage will be the downfall of man. So drink super coffee and get caught in a traffic jam." - Lenzig of Cephalic Carnage


May 08 list: TORCHE - Meanderthal + In Return, WAYNE SHORTER - The Soothsayer, HEAVY VEGETABLE - Frisbee (thx Darryl), APHEX TWIN - Richard D. James Album, AFX - Analouge Bubblebath 2 + 3, KISS IT GOODBYE - Choke, THE MOST SERENE REPUBLIC - Population, BORIS - Flood, Heavy Rocks and Amplifier Worship, EARTH - The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull.


A Bronx Tale.


Extras, John Adams, Degrassi (in all of it's manifestations) Planet Earth, Deadwood, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Wonder Showzen, Arrested Development, Mr. Show, Kenny Vs. Spenny, Da Ali G Show, The Office(British and US), Dexter. Most of these selections viewed on DVD format due to lack of cable.


J. Michael Yates
Man In The Glass Octopus
Philip K. Dick
The Man In The High Castle, A Scanner Darkly, Now Wait For Last Year
W. Somerset Maughm
Of Human Bondage
Albert Camus
The Plague, The Outsider
Ray Bradbury
Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles
Franz Kafka
The Trial, Metamorphosis and Other Stories
Akira Yoshimura
On Parole
H.G. Wells
The Invisible Man
Daniel Pinchbeck
Breaking Open The Head
Mark Z. Danielewski
House Of Leaves
Cormac McCarthy
Blood Meridian
Nathanael West
Miss Lonelyhearts
Robert Pirsig
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Currently reading: The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
Comics: Madman, The Watchmen, El Borbah, Big Baby, The Adventures of Luther Arkwright, Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, Stray Bullets, Concrete, Flaming Carrot, 300, Reporter, 1602, anything by Chester Brown(Yummy Fur, Underwater, the Playboy) or Moebius(Blueberry, Airtight Garage, Arzach, H.P.'s Rock City) Atlas, The Infinity Gauntlet, and Black Hole.
NOW: Abe Sapien: The Drowning written by Mike Mignola and artwork by Jason Shawn Alexander and Batman: Death Mask by Yoshinori Nastume.

My Blog

Velodrome: Back to Basics

The following is a telling of truths written by one David Neufeld. A few months ago after the untimely demise of HUSK I asked Darryl Laxdal (ex HYD/KEN mode) if he wanted to try jamming.  He...
Posted by Dave Neufeld on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 10:36:00 PST