fatih? profile picture


..the world has turned and left me here..

About Me

tade duit huwaaa~!

My Interests

mini coopers | futsal futsal | money to tha mill$ | piano and keyboards | travelling | outdoor activities | bowling | makan free | shopping secare pukal | gossip hangat bersame kwn2 :)

I'd like to meet:

anybody who r willing to buy me a mini cooper.. puhlizz? or lending me any..err err ok la, kasik pinjam drive satu round pon jadikklaa.. dem!


italianjob | bourne identity + supermacy | ocean's eleven + twelve| americanhistoryx | wickerpark | finding nemo| incredibles | thenewpolicestory | lotrs | troy | last samurai | phonebooth | bla bla |


desperate housewives | SITC | my wife n kids | malcom in the middle | n lots more |


magazines bley? ;)


abah | erly :D