Dahni Ride profile picture

Dahni Ride

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Thanks for stopping by my humble abode.
It's not flashy, but it has a roof and some old school charm.
I'm married to a lovely lass named Molly O'Brien, and I have a incredibly entertaining son named Elijah who is smart, funny and musically talented.(hmm)
I'm also a music addict. I play in a rock band called casanatra ;, and I give freelance drum lessons. I also provide care in nursing and group homes for people with various needs and I tutor a few courses at Inver Hills Community College.
I'm also on my first trip through college, and I am starting classes for nursing in Fall '07. Slightly nerve racking, yet exciting.
I've been playing beats on the skins for 20 years, whether I like it or not, I'm pretty good at them.Lants Pants
That's my boy!
That's my luv!
He'd cook you up into a tasty burger, too!
Oh Corky, how could I get mad at you?
Best Damn Drumsticks on the Planet.

My Interests

I am a drum instructor.

I have been obsessively playing drums since I was 15 years old, which means I've been playing for 20 years now.

I am at my best when I'm playing and teaching some kind of rock music. I
can and do enjoy playing and teaching other styles though, such as:
Latin, hand drums (I love my Irish Bodhran), Jazz, and combining any and
all of these styles to produce anything I want. Drums have and continue to
be an adventure from which I will probably spend the rest of my days exploring.

Here is a lesson from 2/22/07 - Enjoy!:

Here is a lesson from 3/23/06/06:

Here are a couple of really simple odd-time beats that you can start messing with.
All you need to do is to be able to count to 5 e-v-e-n-l-y

and to 7 e-v-e-n-l-y

The hi-hat or ride (top line) is playing on each of the numbers you are counting.

The middle line is the snare drum.

The bottom line is the bass drum.



Here is a lesson from 2/22/06:


If you don't know how to play triplets, simply count to 3 and start over...keeping the same tempo (speed) for each number (1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3)

Paradiddles are cool...it's true!


Quintuplets...expand your mind!

I'd like to meet:

John Bonham...but we might get into a brawl.


Captain Beefheart... you are one of the first
modern fucked-up geniuses. When it comes to
creating, you rank right up there with the
likes of James Mangan, John Wilmot and Edvard

Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Currently reading:

People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn - this is a fantastic book, opening up a side a of history that is rarely revealed in our US text books...the people's side.

Anatomy and Physiology - Symbiosis...we are one big symbiotic organism. I don't even consider myself me anymore, I am merely a sum of my parts. A keeper of the cells that keep me alive. Symbiosis. Don't leave home without it.


Anyone who can pour themselves into a belief so deeply that they become it.

My Blog


loves herself very much. That is all.   Lants
Posted by Dahni Ride on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 12:28:00 PST

Rock AND Roll

Monday, 7/14 @ The 400 Bar (400 cedar Ave, MPLS) 8 pm - 18+ -$5 You're busy every weekend this summer, so come and rock with it all out with us on a weekday. We'll make that Tuesday morning worth it....
Posted by Dahni Ride on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 01:18:00 PST


We're playing on Sunday, and for once will be going .. 1 a.m. There's some sweet rock on Saturday too...woot! Come out and see us rock. 1801 Stevens Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55403 ======================...
Posted by Dahni Ride on Fri, 30 May 2008 01:18:00 PST

Benefit for the American Cancer Society - Friday 4/18/08

It's been a little over 2 years since I posted a blog.  So listen up. :) I'm playing a show with my rock band, Casanatra, this Friday as a benefit for the American Cancer Society. This bastard ca...
Posted by Dahni Ride on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 02:45:00 PST

A Sum of our Parts

We are one big symbiotic organism. I don't even consider me, myself anymore, I am merely a sum of my parts. A keeper of all that keeps me alive.
Posted by Dahni Ride on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 06:25:00 PST

Busy as Bees...

Busy creating everything and nothing. We keep creating because deep in us we know we've got a shot at changing everything. We're the volitile atom, not unlike those found in our greatest harness of...
Posted by Dahni Ride on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Fleeting thoughts.

You know, I really need to capture some of my fleeting thoughts, I could come up with a cure for cancer, or maybe even a better piece of bubblegum...
Posted by Dahni Ride on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST