I like being outdoors, and am into surfing, hiking, rollerblading at the beach, and of course walking my dog. I play a fair amount of Texas Hold'em. I like to read and watch movies. I am writing a screenplay that hopefully i will direct in the not to distant future. I'm up for almost anything that will shake things up a little. And then, I just like to chill.
People who are really cool. Passionate about life and what they do with it.
I’m all over the place. As of right now, I love Lincoln Park; I think System of a Down is fucking genius; I’m still addicted to Underworld, although not as much as a few years ago; A piece of me will always have a soft spot for house and trance if well mixed and well spun, and I am particularly happy with the scene because it led to DJ’s spinning two mainstream songs over each other, which, if the DJ knows what he is doing is just incredible. My early love was Pink Floyd, and that still comes out sometimes. I really like haunting female singers, so Sarah Macgloughlin (yeah, like I’m gonna’ spell that right right now), I’m blanking on the one I was just going to mention, but also Hole and Garbage are fantastic (not as big of a No Doubt fan, don’t know why). I like some of the harder stuff, but I tune out when it gets discordant. That means, as far as metal goes, I pretty much like what is mainstream enough to get radio play (“Enter the Sandman†is a personal favorite). (by the way, if anyone ever needed to understand how f'ing genius System is, their dischordia sounds good). Right now, Blue Oyster Cult is kicking out of my Ipod, but that mix is designed to be all over the board (It’s like a radio that only plays good stuff, with no commercials). I seem to be turning into the center of the R&B/Hip Hop universe, so I guess I’m picking up a taste for that as well. I also used to be very intro swing dancing, and still get a little crazy if the Stray Cats, Royal Crown Review or (Blanking again, man that was good tequila). I LOVED PRODEGY (I still like them, but I’m a bit tired of it by now. Old U2 was great, the classics still hold my interest, Zeppelin, the Who (You Better You Better You Bet is still powerfull as hell), Oh man the universe is defiantly (hmm, that was an interesting spell correction) with me tonight, haunting female vocal I couldn’t remember just kicked on the Ipod Evanescence (melts me) Bjork if I’m in the right mood. Talk about music that challenges you (at least if you are male). Almost embarrassed to say it, but some of Madonna’s stuff (“Like a Prayerâ€), and some of the greatest one shots (Kay’s Choice “Not an Addictâ€, a song by the cure that never caught on called "Wrong Number" (which is just about the best song to workout to on the planet. Cranberries to come down (“Dreams" is delicious) . . . and I don’t know how I got this far without hitting this, but RADIOHEAD!!! Might go down as this era’s version of classical (my father (who has a masters in music and plays big band) would shoot me if he heard me say that). By the way, I’ll get back to some other things in a little bit, but I tink I’m going to have to post this on my profile in the music section (I was not nearly this motivated, nor this buzzed when I did the initial list some years ago). For anyone who has read this far, thank Jen for this ridiculously formatted tactile diarrhea of the fingers I seem to have. (I wonder if I didped my hands in Pepto if that would put a stop to it, or just lead to a pink, slippery keyboard. Oh, the police just came on, and some of their old stuff is fantastic.
Too many to list. I like the indies better than the studio usually. Loved In America, Princess Bride, Big Trouble in Little China, Big Fish, Legend of Sleepy Hollow, any thing else directed by Tim Burton, Pi, Requium for a Dream, Marathon Man, Jaws, Gladiator, Escape from New York, Kissing Jessica Stein, The Last Samuri, Crimson Tide, Salton Sea, Little Athens (okay, so I produced that one, so what).
Deadwood, Rome, Entourage, College Hoops, Pro Football.
Moby Dick The Beach Pattern Recognition by William Gibson (and most other stuff by him) Fierce Invalids from Hot Climates by Tom Robbins Shakespeare's Plays He, She, Us by Robert Johnson, or most other books touching on the collective unconscious and other jungian ideas. The Far Side collection (I always did like the cartoons).
Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman (and any other major actor who got started late). Anyone who follows their passion fearlessly (or fearfully) in pursuit of a dream.