sunshine, the beach, soccer, Texas thunderstorms, electrical storms, movie quotes, dancing, driving with my knee, rock climbing, rivers, snowboarding, capoeira, sky diving, photography, basketball, waterskiing, kite-surfing (eventually), movies, deserted midnight highways, wakeboarding, football, surfing (but I'm not any good yet), hiking, anything mechanical, large bodies of water, finding LOVE (not to be taken lightly), wave-battered coastlines, getting lost on long walks, mountains, purple skies, breathtaking landscapes, visiting the gym (not living there), boulder scrambling, my job, a good sense of humor, not taking good friendships for granted, swimming, billiards, foosball, inline skating, extreme walking, my family (This list intentionally randomized to protect the innocent.. and the guilty too)
Most of all, I'd like to meet people I can respect... people who can teach me and help me grow... genuine people... people of mixed ethnicities (aren't they just phenomenal?)... people who have seemingly infinite beauty to contribute to the world, and who willingly embrace the beauty they find in others. I love conversations with curious minds, absolutely adore melting with a gentle but passionate heart, and thrive on the energy of an optimistic spirit. In times past, I have most easily identified with those with strong emotional capabilities (even if the emotions stay hidden away most of the time.)
Generally speaking, i tend to admire those with these and/or similar qualities (though, this list is by no means exhaustive): "Strong, genuine, humane, principled, kind, humble, just, responsible, sincere, civilized, optimistic, dignified, open-minded, insightful, magnanimous, serene, understanding, mature, trusting, honest, diplomatic, persuasive, interesting, purposeful, smart, decent, funny, innovative, dynamic, expressive, artistic, creative, witty, confident, modest, secure, gregarious, evolving, trustworthy, introspective, spiritual, loyal, respectful, effective, polite, competent, understated, quietly elegant, objective, respectable, generous, calm, relaxed, honorable, laid-back, resilient, logical, reasonable, charming, high-achieving, esoteric, life-long learners, delightful, well-mannered, refined, cultured, engaging, judicious, balanced, prudent, freedom-loving, wise-beyond-their-years, enlightening, illuminating people; people who inspire and challenge themselves and others to become better human beings; people who practice noblesse oblige; people with good taste, people who are fun enough to understand and/or have experienced decadence and hedonism yet strong and decent enough to have overcome it and not be so condescending about it; people who are multidimensional enough to embody ironies, paradoxes, transitions, transformations and redemption; and people who are prudent enough to combine successfully both candor and discretion"
Most of all, I'd love to meet people who expect this much (and more) from me.
ahhh.... who could go a single day without music?!!! My refuge.... My salvation. I like beats I can dance to, tunes I can chill to, lyrics I can feel, and songs I can sing (though only when alone and on the highway). I suppose this leaves the genre door wide open.... and that is the most adequate way to do describe what I like. I usually like most mainstream sounds... though, if i dont like something, i'll probably make it pretty clear. :P
Comedies, comedies, actions, and more comedies. Dark and dry humor, smart-ass witty humor, "oh my god, that's so random" humor, goofy and dumb humor, situational humor, and even some slapstick if I'm in the right mood. (no, that does NOT imply that i'm "moody") I also enjoy more substantial films from time to time. I'm not sure if it means that I'm very selective or just easy to please.... but it's pretty rare that I don't like a movie I've bothered to watch.
Television is the root of all evil... but man, is it FUNNY! If I'm wasting my life away infront of the tube, odds are, I'll be watching something that will make me laugh (which isn't that hard to do). :D
*pffffft...* I don't read books.... books read ME!
People with insurmountable intelligence, who choose to follow their hearts - whether it be to the depths of hell or through the gates of heaven - despite what logic would otherwise dictate. (Love, in its truest form, is not for the weak of heart.)