Austin profile picture


you decide to answer when my fist rings hello

About Me

i love to read, listen to good tunes, play video games, and watch movies. i'm an aspiring author and hope to inspire people someday. i like to kick it with my good friends and just have a good time. i think that i'm a pretty happy person and i love to laugh. i'm also teaching myself how to play the guitar right now. i also like to collect things. i have a stash of comics and comic cards that i've kept since i was a kid. i really dig old books. this might sound dumb to some people, but i like antiques. i think old stuff is cool. i also have a collection of band shirts. every concert that i go to i buy a shirt. some i don't wear anymore, but i refuse to get rid of them, so i consider them "retired." sometimes i feel like i'm antisocial just because meeting new people kind of scares me and there are plenty of times when all i want is to be left alone so that i can do my own thing. i don't feel comfortable with other people's time schedules other then my own, and Jori's of course. i don't really care what other people think about me, but i do care, to a point. i don't know if that makes sense to anyone else. after i get to know someone though, i try to be the best of friend possible. i know that we only get one shot at this life and i want to make it through it knowing that i did the best i could. nothing makes life better than a group of really close, dependible friends. i also love my family to no ends. i would do anything for them. they are the most important people in my life. i live with my fiance and i've never been happier. we are hoping to get to married sometime soon. she is the greatest person in the world and i love her terribly. she means more to me then anything else in this world and i hope that she knows that.
.. You scored as Colossus. Colossus is the strongest X-Man physically. His love for his family and his sister Illiana make him strong. Although he can be prone to fits of rage, he has a big heart under that organic steel skin. Powers: Can change his skin into organic steel making him nearly invunerable and exponentially increasing his strength



Jean Grey


















Emma Frost

Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with

My Interests

music, movies, books, bonsai trees, paintball, guitar, video games, and some other stuff that i can't really think of right now. Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0

I'd like to meet:

anyone. just here to make friends.

adopt your own virtual pet!


COHEED AND CAMBRIA!!! DEFTONES!! those are my two favorite bands but i also love these ones as well: jimi hendrix, the prize fighter inferno, fire deuce, snot, led zeppelin, tom petty, the steve miller band, muse, soulfly, static-x, 311, RATM, tool, cold, atomship, powerman 5000, bush, CCR, ZZ top, red hot chili peppers, 3, pink floyd, queensryche, 10 years, wolfmother, team sleep, a perfect circle, smashing pumpkins, BB King, johnny lang, hawthorne heights, tenacious d, and a ton of other stuff. i love any really, REALLY great music! Take the quiz:
Which Far out 60's-70's band are you?

Jimi Hendrix
YOUR JIMI HENDRIX! Your definately a dreamer and work hard to fulfill your goals. Your artsy, talented and mysterious!!



The Nightmare before Christmas is my absolute favorite movie, also anything else that Tim Burton does. i also love any movie that has Johnny Depp or Jack Black. they are brilliant actors! i also like snatch, lock stock and two smoking barrels, napoleon dynamite, the lord of the rings, harry potter, ronin, X-men, back to the future, the goonies, indiana jones, men in black, dumb and dumber, star wars, james bond and a ton more, i'm a huge movie buff. i 'll watch almost anything except really gory movies or horror movies(i have my reasons).


i don't watch too much tv, but i do watch tv to dvd. i like shows like smallville, er, family guy, futurama, just to name a few. Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0


Dragonlance, the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, the Death Gate Cycle and anything else written by Maraget Weis and Tracy Hickman. i like to read mostly fanstasy. i also love E. A. Poe. his work is brilliant! Background By


Claudio, Travis, Josh and Mic. these guys just fucking rock! and their music is mind blowing. Martin Luther King Jr. i really look up to him and the incredible things that he accomplished. Edgar Allen Poe. what an amazing writer and poet. i have always been impressed with his work. Tim Burton. the coolest director in film today. nobody can match his vision. he is awesome and so are all of his movies.and anyone who is trying to make a difference is this life. people who are constantly striving to make the world a better place to live in. people who are self sacrificing. people who think of others before they think of themselves. these are the real heroes, they just go unnoticed.oh! and my little sister just because she is so cool and she is always there for me. i couldn't have asked for a better sister. my mother for always being the strength that i needed when shit got tough in my life. my most gorgeaous and incredible girlfriend (soon to be my wife) Jori. i love this woman with all of my heart and i appreciate the many things that she does for me daily. my days are brighter because of her. i didn't think that a love like the one that we have was possible, but now i know what true love is. i'm the happiest that i've ever been and i have her to thank for it. she is my strength, my motivation, my patience, my soul, and my life. i would do anything for her, she only needs to ask. i have an angel in my life now. our results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 100% Green Lantern 85% Robin 80% Iron Man 75% The Flash 65% Superman 60% Wonder Woman 55% Hulk 45% Catwoman 45% Supergirl 35% Batman 20% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

My Blog

2007 looking up!

well, i must say that this year is going to be good, or is looking that way from where i see it right now. first off and most importantly, Jori and i will be getting married!! i'm so excited for ...
Posted by Austin on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 07:08:00 PST


so, i asked Jori's dad on Christmas if i could marry his daughter. guess what he said? yes!! so yeah, Jori and i are going to get married! i'm so freaking excited! i can't wait! we are thinking of tak...
Posted by Austin on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 07:12:00 PST

when life throws you a curveball!

do you ever find yourself asking why some things in life happen to you? i know that i do. i ask myself why can't good things happen to me like they do for everyone else and then suddenly BAM!!! life t...
Posted by Austin on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 09:18:00 PST