This profile was made at! :)
I'm a major dork. Seriously.
I interview bands. I run SoManyBands which features local and unsigned bands who are trying to get their name out there. There are also reviews and features and columns on the site as well but interviews are the main focus.
Mostly public journal. I guess if you get bored, you can read what I'm up to or what's in my head.
And I'm really horrible about responding to messages and email. I don't know why I'm like this but I am. But I do read everything messaged to me. Eventually, I'll sit down and reply to everything I get.
IM me @ krazedaise. If I'm online, I'm usually bored at work and could use the entertainment.
I collect crap as my boyfriend says. I'm always broke because I buy different types of journals, pens, stickers, and any type of office supply for my journals or work. I have a whole bookshelf full of empty journals ready to be used and a big ass box of random looking pens that all work. I'm a little obsessed.