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Mr. Warrior


About Me

You have entered the ONLY official MySpace presence of the man who Created, Performed and OWNs The Ultimate Warrior. I am that man. My (full, legal) name is Warrior.
First, the slaughtering of a few inveterate rumors.
1) There was only one Ultimate Warrior. That is, in Sports Entertainment there was only one person who "did" Ultimate Warrior — that was me. Whether it be at a wrestling show, radio show, on YouTube or MySpace; if you've been led to believe anything've been duped, period. There were not different guys, a twin brother, look-a-like cousins or anyone else who "filled in" for him. I created him; I was the only one who ever legally and legitimately performed him; and I own the USPTO legally registered trademark rights of Ultimate Warrior as an Intellectual Property.
2) I am not dead. Nor have I ever died. Don’t laugh. There are plenty of kooks (too many) who write and inform me that I am or that I have — and then demand I write back and confirm it!
3) I lead an active, constructive and fulfilling life. Despite inaccurate rumors, vindictive mischaracterizations, and flagrant defamation claiming otherwise, the reality is I have built an incredibly empowered life on my OWN terms. As a devoted husband and father, I could not have custom-ordered a more loving, healthy, spirit-filled, and happy home life. And as a man who has throughout his whole life been inspired by the setting of new goals and their different challenges, and the ability to think for oneself which accompanies these, my day-to-day life environment is creative, productive, and positive.
To find those who truly have self-destructed, keep your eye on the obituaries and visit the gravesides of other WWF/WWE talent who’ve died of various forms of self-indulgence, beginning with their refusal to mature as real men and grow up and act their age. When you are done there, go look into the hollow-souled eyes of those Sports Entertainment figures you once thought defiant, strong, proud, and independent who’ve crawled back into the cave to have their minds, lives and characters controlled because they were afraid of being real men, afraid of the real world and real challenges, and felt safer, as Plato showed us, viewing the shadows from the inside.
If you've come here expecting that the guy who created the Ultimate Warrior gimmick would not be intense, I guess you’re going to be in for a surprise. After all, the intensity and physical explosiveness Ultimate Warrior displayed is the most fixed impression you and the Sports Entertainment industry will never, ever forget. (Witnessing how so many others have so pathetically tried, many even under the duress of management instruction, to replicate it sadly informs all of us of the hard-nosed reality of this.)
Yes, wrestling is choreographed, but there are just some personality aspects of the business and its talent that can’t be faked. Ultimate Warrior ran because I was running him. He was intense because I already was. So mind your manners and be thankful that I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy who believes there are some traditions better left unchanged. My natural personal intensity is one. It never will. Whatever I am doing - wrestling, writing, working out, speaking, even weaving pot holders — I am going to do it with action and intensity.
Always Believe,
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