par-cheesy profile picture


Anything smart-alecky will do.

About Me

What breed of horse are you? Find out!

My Interests

I am into horseback riding, watching my friends play their music at cafes and such, RUF, learning how to play the guitar, making myself practice the piano, playing with my lovely lab mix, Basil, learning about how to analyze and classify classical music, hanging out at my friends' apartments, dancing to music when I think I'm by myself, learning about new musicians, going to church, learning Byzantine chant, learning how to read and translate Greek and Italian, and basically being a sarcastic smart-ass whenever possible.

I'd like to meet:

I don't really have anybody living that I have always wanted to meet. Everytime I think about it, I think, "They're just a person. What's really so special?" Of course, I haven't really met any FAMOUS famous people. I have met a few celebrities, but of course, they will never remember me. So I spend all my energy thinking about my friends and family instead of wasting thoughts about celebrities.If I could meet anyone in history it would be Catherine the Great. She was such an inspiring person and went after what she wanted-not like me at all.


I don't really watch much television. It's a waste of time, and I just don't have any left. If I do get a rare opportunity, I will watch news or movies.

My Blog

southern accent??

So, a guy came into work on Friday and asked me where I was from because I didn't have a Southern accent. I just smiled and said thank you. But then, last night, I was waiting on some customers a...
Posted by par-cheesy on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 01:41:00 PST

black beans are good.

Wow, it's been way too long since my last entry. I have done so much and been so many places i would take way too long to type them. I finally got internet hooked up at my house. Ooh, I got a digital ...
Posted by par-cheesy on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 12:04:00 PST