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Sommes nous déjà devenu ce que nous serons tjs?

About Me

Bonjour a tous ceux qui liront ceux ci
J'ai décider de créer un Myspace Music il y a 2 ans déjà, mais je l'ai fait en anglais tout ce temps, alors je me suis récemment dit qu'il était temps de ne plus se limiter. Alors voilà, je le met enfin en français et en italien aussi. Je chante depuis que j'ai 15 ans et j'écris des chansons depuis que j'en ai 13. Il est vrai que j'ai fait les choses un peu à l'envers en écrivant avant de chanter. Malheuresement mes chansons se composent de paroles et mélodie, sans accompagnement musicale car je ne joue que de la flûte, et sur une chanson rock, ça le fait pas trop. Et actuellement je désespere d'enfin trouver un musicien avec qui travailler. Si quelqu'un est interessé merci de me contacter. Mes chanson sont pop/rock ou accoustic, j'adore les chanson en guitare voix. On me demande souvent tu veux réussir mais pourquoi toi et pas une autre, parce que tellement de gens veulent faire ce métier, il n'y a pas de bonne réponse à cette question, juste une réponse honnête, je suis très déterminée, que c'est la seule chose que je sache faire, et plus que tout, c'est la seule chose que je veux faire!!
Ciao a tutti quelli che leggeranno questo!
Ho deciso di creare un account su Myspace Music due anni fa ormai, ma ho sempre scritto tutto in inglese. Quindi, recentemente,ho pensato perchè limitarsi ad una sola lingua? Dunque ecco qua, finalmente lo metto anche in francese e in italiano! Canto da quando avevo 15 anni, e scrivo canzoni dall'età di 13. E' vero che faccio un pò le cose nel senso sbagliato, scrivendo prima di cantare! Purtroppo le mie canzoni sono composte da sole parole e melodie. Non c'è musica perchè so suonare soltanto il flauto, e diciamocelo, con una canzone rock non è che vada molto bene! Attualmente mi sto disperando perchè vorrei tanto trovare un musicista con il quale lavorare! Se interessa qualcuno vi prego di contattarmi. Scrivo delle canzoni di stile pop/rock ed acustico. Adoro lo stile chitarra e voce! La gente mi dice spesso "vuoi farcela?ma perchè solo tu e non qualcun' altro?", perchè così tanta gente vuole fare questo mestiere! Beh, non c'è una risposta giusta a questa domanda, solo una risposta onesta: sono molto determinata e cantare è l'unica cosa che so fare, e più che altro, l'unica cosa che voglio fare!!
Hello to anyone who's gonna read this
I've decided to create a Myspace music two years ago but I had only let it in English so here is the new version, with the translation in French and English. I sing since I am 15 and I write songs since I am 13. It's true that I may have done things in the wrong order by writting before singing. Unfortunaly my songs are only made of lyrics and melodies, with no muscial back up because I only play the flute, which doesn't help much for a rock song. I am currently looking for a musician to work with. If someone is interested, please contact me. My songs are pop/rock or accoutic as I love the only guitare/voice kind of songs I am always asked I am make it but why me and not someone else, since so many people wanna be in this business, well I don't think there's a right answer to that, just an honest one, I am determined, that's all I can do, that is all I wanna do!!
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My Interests


Member Since: 11/11/2005
Influences: Now that's a tough one, my influences... I have many. Musically speaking I'd say Dominique Fidanza, Linda Eder and Bethany Joy Galeotti most of all, then P!nk, Kelly Clarkson, Shakira, The Backstreet Boys, Justin Timberlake, Patrick Bruel, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Kyo, Subsonica, Carmen Consogli, Laura Pausini, toto, Gypsy Kings, Enation, Gavin Degraw, . Here are the main I can think of. Then I get inspired by just anything that's happening in my life, the great people I have around me. My family, my friends (my italian manager ahha) I can get inspired really by anything, I might even be inspired by the way someone's walking down the street :-)
Sounds Like: If I ever get the chance to have "a sound" (it would take for me to meet musicians to do something with my songs and melodies, then it would be POP/ROCK, also with a lot of accoustic songs, I love the only voice and guitar kind of sound
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Looking for a musician

Ok so as I said before, its all about music. I go around myspace and I see so many people who seem to have the same dream as me. Be a singer. Live for music. Give emotions to the people listenin. I do...
Posted by CRISP on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 03:08:00 PST

Music, it's all about music

Hi there, to anyone reading this, I am a 19 year old singer and song writer, or should I say lyrics writer. I can't write music cause I don't play any instrument.(I do have the melodies ready in my he...
Posted by CRISP on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 09:06:00 PST