- Lesley is 18 years old.
Lesley is French.
Lesley lives in Nice (french riviera).
Lesley has spanish origins.
Lesley has 2 sisters and 1 twin brother.
Lesley is fan of NO DOUBT!
Lesley loves listening to music.
Lesley is fascinated by medicine.
Lesley loves LONDON.
Lesley wants to become a scrub nurse in the future.
Lesley loves her cousin & aunt's paintings.
Lesley loves Him but he is too stupid to see..
Lesley loves her family and friends to death.
Lesley has always dreamt to travel to the U.S.A.
Lesley loves languages, especially English.
Lesley hates literature, philosophy and maths. Lesley doesn't like to get up in the morning for high school. Lesley hates milk and bananas.
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