I'm soph... not a lot really to say.. you'll love me or hate me, that's all there is to it..
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||| 53%
Stability |||||||||||||||| 66%
Orderliness |||||| 26%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 43%
Interdependence |||||||||| 36%
Intellectual |||||||||| 36%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Artistic |||||||||||||| 56%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Materialism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Narcissism |||||| 30%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 43%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||| 56%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Romantic |||||| 23%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 56%
Wealth |||||||||||||||| 63%
Dependency |||||||||| 36%
Change averse |||||||||||| 50%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Sexuality |||||||||||||| 56%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||| 70%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||| 44%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 50%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 70%
Vanity |||||||||||||| 56%
Hypersensitivity |||||| 30%
Indie |||||||||||||| 56% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
Your Personality Is Like Cocaine
You're dynamic, brilliant, and alluring to those who don't know you.
Hyper and full of energy, you're usually the last one to leave a party.
Sometimes your sharp mind gets the better of you... you're a bit paranoid!
What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
You're a Wild Drunk
You can get enough drink. Seriously, you'll just go puke and start pounding them back again!
What Kind of Drunk Are You?I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4