Jose Dynamite profile picture

Jose Dynamite

spam tastes good. but please don't put it on my page.

About Me

i'm gonna keep it real. i'm full of drama. that's what makes my life interesting. only i don't call it drama, i call it my life. anyone who is on myspace who says "they're drama free" or "keep drama away" is asking for some utopian ideal situation. anyone you meet who is "drama free" has one of 3 things:_1) they're lying_2) they're dilusional_3) they're really bori ng._ i don't want to bring drama into someone's life, but shit happens. i won't lie about that. i'm a new comedian, and i enjoy meeting new friends. i live in a fast paced life, so i expect things to happen quickly...i'm very impatient. i have lots of interests. i think i'd like to meet people who are spontanious and full of drama, cause guaranteed you're entertaining.
aol i.m. = josedynamite808

wanna download some music? visit my

My Interests

stand up comedy, sports, partying, relaxing, live music, Ice Hockey, motorcycles

I'd like to meet:

people with a sense of humor. fun people. spontaneous people. my fan club. you!



natural vibrations, pepper, jack johnson, mu330, roots, steel pulse, ooklah the moc, system of a down, lynyrd skynyrd, led zepplin, go jimmy go


Happy Gilmore...The Jerk...Lord of the Rings...Die Hard Trilogy...Star Wars Trilogy...Boiler Room


daily show, stand up specials on comedy central, seinfeld, celebrity poker, dog the bounty hunter


books on tape


dane cook, augie t., champ, mitch hedberg, dave attell, lewis black, and jerry seinfeld

My Blog

hafa adai! saipan trip!

to all my saipan friends we had a blast! si yu'os ma'ase' for showing us a good time. within a few days i'll have a ton of pictures loaded up so stay tuned!
Posted by Jose Dynamite on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:51:00 PST

vallejo january 2007

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Posted by Jose Dynamite on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 09:25:00 PST

alaska pictures january 07

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Posted by Jose Dynamite on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 01:39:00 PST

up in boise

september 21 the hawaiian club of boise state university hired augie t. to come up and perform for their alumni boosters. this weekend just so happened to be hawaii warriors taking on the broncos of...
Posted by Jose Dynamite on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 01:33:00 PST

alaska tour blog!

welcome to the alaska tour blog, thanks for taking the time to take a look. i hope you enjoy the pictures. the show was march 11th at the snowgoose theatre in anchorage, and as soon as we got off the ...
Posted by Jose Dynamite on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 02:02:00 PST

hawaiian style comedy tour in honoka'a

started off the day at hilo's kuhio grill...who do we run into? senator akaka!(l-r) earnie, pu'u, me, augie, senator akaka, turk, champ, & ryan kawamoto donnalyn delacruz, me, augie, and sena...
Posted by Jose Dynamite on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 11:02:00 PST

Hawaiian Style Comedy Tour in Vallejo Bay Area

arriving at the airport...the hawaiian huricane trying to warm up by humping the pole uh oh...this is what happens when you try copying a sign. someone give me a stop sign... our welco...
Posted by Jose Dynamite on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 10:30:00 PST

vegas trip...what happens in vegas goes on my blog

vegas was a blast! i didn't get to have a whole lot of pictures of me on stage, but it was still a great experience. i met some great new friends, and my best friend christopher james flew in from new...
Posted by Jose Dynamite on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 11:21:00 PST

comedy in paradise...hilo & kona november 2005

what a great way to kickoff the weekend trip to the big island. the first show at the crown room was completely sold out. so we added a second show and within 6 hours, we had another 200 people show u...
Posted by Jose Dynamite on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 10:15:00 PST


so augie t. and i performed for a filipino centennial celebration fundraiser up in kohala on the big island...home of the original kamehameha statue. there were more than 400 people there! ...
Posted by Jose Dynamite on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 09:40:00 PST