R&D Business Concepts profile picture

R&D Business Concepts

The past is done. The future we dream and plan for. But the essence of happiness is to live in the m

About Me

I'm thankful for the tremendous abundance I have in my life…a new beginning, better health, a loving family and caring friends. I do what makes my heart sing. I seek to make a difference and live a meaningful life. I think highly of people who cherish and value life as reflected in their reverent treatment of others. I'm grateful that the vast majority of people I know possess this quality. I'm thankful my mother taught these lessons to me in the early stages of my life… Life gives you two things, gifts and lessons. Petty tyrants cross our paths in life, putting before us wearisome situations or difficult people. This past year I faced the biggest petty tyrant of my life but the lessons I'm learning are invaluable. One of the most profound lessons of life is to know that no matter what situation we face, there are always options. A quality life is a function of the choices we make when faced with these options. Integrity is congruence. Congruence is to match, as in "walk your talk." It's a vital factor in achieving success and fulfillment. Someone once told me, the key to happiness is to create a "reality" that exceeds expectations. Unhappiness, on the other hand, results when reality presented is less than expected. Every once in awhile a person crosses your path and makes a difference in your life, someone who's wise counsel elevates you to the "NEXT LEVEL." Especially helpful are those who gently give you eye-opening feedback (You know who you are)!VIRGO - YOUR LOVE PROFILE YOUR POSITIVE TRAITS: You're incredibly thoughtful and able to give your partner what they need most. You are totally logical. You can deal with problems without involving your emotions. A good work ethic. You'll do whatever it takes (within reason) to make your relationship work. YOUR NEGATIVE TRAITS: Sometimes you are so focused on your goals that you let your relationships suffer. You tend to be a perfectionist - and expect perfection from your mate as well. You are picky. So picky that you rather be single than with someone who has a few minor faults. YOUR IDEAL PARTNER: Values success in life as much as you do. Fits a checklist of qualities you've been looking for since childhood. Like you, is more practical and realistic than romantic. YOUR DATING STYLE: Active. You're a bit hyper, so you'd prefer a date that involved rollerblading in the park or hiking. YOUR SEDUCTION STYLE: You may seem a bit shy, but once you open up to someone - you're totally uninhibited. You like to set the scene first - candles, music, nice sheets. A bit obsessed with cleanliness, you may want to shower first with your love TIPS FOR THE FUTURE: Soften up a little. Vulnerability is sexy - and feels great over time. Lower your standards a little. Look past a messy desk or someone being five minutes late. Praise your partner more. You make expect them to be successful, but complements are still appreciated.Click here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts
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MySpace Graphics & Codes at Barrio305.com

My Interests

Spending More Time With My Children, Tattoos, Cooking, Shopping, Watching Football, Watching Boxing, Watching MMA, Art, Hula...

I'd like to meet:

Terrence Howard, Karl Urban and Hines Ward. There is just one word to describe these men...


Alternative, Rock, Metal, R&B, Hip-Hop, Rap, House, Reggaeton, Reggae, Hawaiian, Salsa, Merenge, Oldies, 80's, 90's...




I have little time for TV but when I do, I watch UFC & Miami Ink.


Tattoos, The Secret


My Mother is my HERO. She has been and will always be my back bone! She is why I am what I am today.