I've been interested in the paranormal since grade school. I remember checking out my first book about the paranormal from the school library in 4th grade:) My hobbies include collecting E.V.Ps and checking out local haunted sites.
My husband and I have been recording evp's and researching the paranormal together for over 2 years. The more I search for spirit evidence the more I believe.
I took this pic at the Padre Hotel in Bakersfield California
I'd like to meet other people who are interested in the paranormal, I'm hoping to start a local Paranormal Group here in Bakersfield Ca.I'd also like to meet up with people from "back in the day"... so if you recognize me feel free to say hi!
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You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!
How Weird Are You?
Haeckel's Tale
Pirates of the Caribbean
Running Scared
The Skeleton Key
Amittyville Horror
Dawn of the Dead
Land of the Dead
The Grudge
The Ring
Dead Alive
Most Haunted
Desperate Housewives
Haunting Evidence
Flip This House
Big Brother
The Dark Tower Series By Stephen King (all of them)
Phantoms By Dean R. Koontz
Link By Walt Becker
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