doesn't this change every day
nothing is in order, nothing is better than anything else
...dancing (i.e., socially, party dancing, don't picture me doing the choreographed shit)/sincere effort/thinking/what is the origin of anything/letterpress/beach/reading/writing (poems or whatever they are)/writing letters and sending or getting random crap in the mail/thrift shops/flea markets/graph paper/making mix CDs/making books and gluing and collaging stuff/trying to make electronic music/drag queens/non-floofy art shows/kitties/doing daring stuff/ocean/thinking I am someone else/changing as a chameleon every few months/looking at photographs/Linda Montano/Ana Mendieta/talking to anyone/ talking to those persons considered to be insane/snow/thunderstorms/yoga (not just the pretzel, but the mind too)/trying shit I haven't tried before/used to go to clubs & parties a lot (miss that)/running through the sprinkler at night/searching for tiny newts or hummingbirds or bitty bitty frogs/yelling/hiking/kissing my boyfriend/being a goddamn flirt/making up names/random acts of kindness or obnoxiousness/brunch/cookies & candies/clear things/homemade things/secret codes/roller skating (FOUR wheels)/not wasting/farmers market/berries/clairvoyant moments
doesn't this change every day
people who still dance & go out because I don't think you exist anymore
whoa wait I'm dancing again, there you arecollaborators
again there is no hierarchy, do not misunderstand!all those warped mixtapes that I dance to and no one I knew knew what any tracks were, friends banging on drums and xylophones, local local local: meaning local far and local near music in San Francisco, Oakland and Philadelphia... Stevie Wonder, Need New Body, Man Man, Signaldrift, Secret Frequency Crew, Dabrye (if some of those MCs would shut up on that there one), Sun Ra, Built to Spill, Milosh, Sonic Youth, Midwest Product, Aphex Twin, Self, Ezekiel Honig, Fax, Omni Trio, Prince, My Bloody Valentine, The Gommorrans, cLOUDDEAD, Nautilis, Belle & Sebastian, The Frogs, just about all of the people mentioned in Daft Punk's "Teachers," Capt. Beefheart, Steve Reich, The Knife, The Runaways, Ellen Allien, my ol' pals The Smashing Pumpkins (how do I feel for them today? I didn't even try...I'm holding on to memories), Parliament, Mark Almaria (the old scratchy tape), Deep Space Network, all those J Smooth jump up mixes with Wu-Tang samples and such that various copies of have been stolen away, London Elektricity, Velvet Underground, Dinosaur Jr., Neil Young, The Pixies, De La Soul, Borful Tang, Future Loop Foundation, Electro Solution, Telefon Tel Aviv, 60s & 70s funk & soul, esp. Bay Area!!, i.e., Little Denise, Sugar Pie DeSanto, Tommy Stewart, roller skating hits a la Stevie B's "I Wanna Be the One" or Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock's "It Takes Two", Audion, D'Angelo, Kool Keith, Devo, T Rex, god I should erase the whole thing it only scratched the icing off. Just take me out and I'll dance to anything.
Twin Peaks over and over
go to the little local store and buy poetry books. they are interesting, don't require consistent attention, and they are not lying to you about some character somewhere. of course I have gained this attitude by also reading fiction, particularly a book called The Miner. also there are these people that make books on the letterpress. maybe you could give them money so they could live and then they could just sit around all day and make better books that feel good in your hand and you actually would like to read them.