I am me.
I will not change for anybody.
I am addicted to music- it's my muse.
Art is my release.
my dreams keep me alive.
being broken is something I'm over coming.
I love maps-they show me where I can go,
instead of where I am.
I love thinking about space and all it's glory.
I love learning anything I can about anything-
just give me a book or time to learn it.. consider it done.
my family is a love/hate thing-
but I couln't live without them.
I'm very outspoken, I'm not ashamed to say what I think.
I will not let people walk over me-I'm stronger than that.
I need to learn that I can be loved in return.
I wish I could fall asleep easier.
I love the way my hands look after they've been doing art.
Sometimes a nite drive to nowhere is all I need.
I love to push the limits on anything.
I hate how my emotions are "stereotypical girl" at times.
But in the end of it all, at the end of the night I am still me-I am still who I choose to be...
I will dream of tomorrow and it's going to be great.
glitter-graphics.comMany thoughts still the same...
One Intelectual Individual
New Age Hippie
Not a Hippie
Original Hippie
Anything good, really. Tiger has opened my eyes, to a whole new world of music, which is utterly beautiful. But Marilyn Manson is still my favorite! He is my God of Gods.
I love watching a good movie, preferably true story films. Gus Van Stant, Frances Ford Coppola, and Sofia Coppola are my fav directors.
he's Great.
HOUSE!Dirty Jobs, A.N.T.M.,anything on History Channel, Nat'l Geo,Food Network.a
.....dance at every opportunity...... If I truly listed all the books I have loved, it would be long. Besides, what a girl reads is private... I almost only ever read true stories- memoirs.SUMMARY: of my personality according to a survey:::changeable, in the middle, suspicious, talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting. somewhat traditional, dislikes chaos, down to earth, group oriented, practical...
My Mom and Dad for sure.I don't know if this is exactly classified as a "hero" per se, but Angelina Jolie is def. my role-model. She's amazing, all that she does to speak for those who can't in their countries riddled with violence and poverty... she's truly amazing. and it helps that she is beautiful!I am sooooo on team: Jolie!!!