Roller Derby, Roller skating, shooting pool, sewing, vintage clothing and jewelry, costume design, vegan recipes, motorcycles, politics, chess, I play the piano, a little drums, and I like to sing.
somebody named Guido
Jazz, Punk, Rockabilly, HonkyTonk, Ska, 80s pop, Nina Simone (whatever she is), and random other stuff.
I like movies with people dancing and/or Paul Newman and/or Robert Redford. And I like movies with puppets.
SYTYCD. Go Joshua!
Anything by dead french people or old perverts or His Holiness the Dalai Llama
All Derby Girls but especially Megahurts, FranCheckya, Blood Clottia, D.K. and many many more, Helen Thomas, Terry Gross, Susan Polgar, holocaust survivors, refugees, victims of natural disasters, people who can play honkytonk piano, civil rights activists, people on raw foods diets, firemen, single mothers, EPA regulators, people who are really really smart, people with really really big hair.