Le nouveau CD e.p. de Mia Verko est maintenant disponible chez tous vos bons disquaires!
L'imbroglio du scaphandrier est disponible chez Le Subalterne (3603, St-Denis), L'Oblique (4333, Rivard), Soundcentral (2071, St-Denis), Sonik (4050, Berri), Les Anges Vagabonds (72, Rachel Est), Cheap Thrills (2044, Metcalfe), Atom Heart (364, Sherbrooke Est), Le Pick-Up (262, Mont-Royal Est) et Paul's Boutique (112, Mont-Royal Est).
We're a band that likes to rock. But not "rock" as in we're-gonna-bash-your-brains-in-until-your-head-looks-like-a
n-omelette. No, we prefer to think of ourselves as a tonic for what ails you. You might think that's a quote from BB King describing the blues - and you'd be right. Which is not to say that we're a blues band. No, we're more of an enthuse band, because that's what we'd like to do to you. There's too much dead weight in the world. We're trying to rally support for the hopeful types in the crowd. All is not lost. In fact, we've come a long way, babycakes