I am the Vegan Countess and it is my aspiration to help the vegan community and those interested in veganism find fulfillment in the vegan existence. While it is a very serious choice to switch to the vegan lifestyle there are a lot of unanswered questions for many new and old vegans.
Do not fear my darlings, for I am here to help you filter all of the information and help you on your own personal vegan voyage. Whether you have just resolved to go vegan or are a long term vegan, you realize that veganism is about a good deal more than just what you consume. I know that you want to have a first rate mortal experience, have dazzling good looks and be of assistance to animals all at the same time.
My minion Elgar has established a website www.vegancountess.com in order to facilitate my goal to help fellow vegans. We are relentlessly adding new information and are always open to suggestions. Elgar and I are here to help you as you follow your own course as a vegan.
Love, The Vegan Countess XOXO