Myspace Layouts at / Nature
Myspace Layouts at / Nature all forms. music, dance, visual.CLAY... the way clay feels in my hands when gliding between them, so sentual, warm, smooth.VISUAL ART...the way paint splaters and dances on canvas.MUSIC...the emotion of a song or voice, or violin.FILM...a documentary about growing out a beard for 6 months straight, while mixing real life obsticals...(an amazing friend of mine did a film like this.)YOGA..for it simplicity and complexity..for its healing nature, for the path of self discovery.HUMAN BODY..for all its fuctions, are just...awe.AMAZING! For our bodies are moving art. They are the mysteries and stories of life. the most awe struck!?BOOKS...for they are windows of souls...and fields of ideasBUDISM..for its disipline.TANTRA YOGA for its disipline and openess.MEN...for I love the way a man can make me feel.intimacy.WOMEN...for gentlness, and friendshipLIFE...for being healthy enough to enjoy it...and take in/give out all i can while im here now
genuine, beautiful ,colorful, brilliant souls that wish to dance the rumba, sweat, and drip with joy, laughter and endless love for life's thousands of flavors.people that ask questions. people that believe life is their own journey, and they are the only warrior to walk the path they make in the forrest. they must cut down the trees, and make their own reach what they know as their journey and their happiness.people that enchant my mind, make me laugh until my gut hurts, challenge me to ask why and reask why. challenge me to love until my heart can not open anymore.
anything that makes me shake my booty or gives me goose bumps- love music, good music just about everything-
patch adams, water, off the map, hero, what dreams may come, frida, 911 revisted, waking life, scanner darkly, v for vendeta, amela, motorcycle diaries, illusionist, alot like love (I know its cheezy.)
the way all minds in our country are warped into believing happiness is if i only had a new car, new hair, new face, new body, new job, new house...exessive need for all the things we dont need... as well as being a mask over anything we should pay more attention to...911...did you know another building fell? building 7. how about global warming? stem-cell research? medications? hormones in food supply? the amount of money our country is in debt to the rest of the world? the amount of credit bloatation our nation lives off of...only to impress the neighbors...sad truth..masked by the need to buy more.. therapy
sidartha, 1984,light on life,light emerging, conversations with god, animal farm, hands of light, Rumi, sylvia plath, an art spirit, Magnum-photobook, Bhagavadgita
anyone that walks their own journey, facing themselves, being honest, good, open-hearted human-beings-