Zane: Open for Business! profile picture

Zane: Open for Business!

You better take care of me lord. Because if you don't, you'll have me on your hands.

About Me

This is not Zane. If you are looking for a "Zane" then look further past me. Or maybe not?

My Interests

Dinosaurs, Zombie invasions, movies on zombies, movies about dinosaurs, movithe sues about zombies and dionsaurs (not yet made but one day!). Investigating supernatural without the super, Readin' books and improveing mai speling, entertaining myself. Westerns. Being Self Depricating, Building up my Self Esteem so i can lower it later, Pretending to pay attention to people, Being confident about my decision to be indecisive.

I'd like to meet:

Alien Allision is now immortalized through my profile


Modest Mouse, Radiohead, Cee-Lo, Gnarles Barkley, MF Doom, Wolf Parade, The New Pornographers, Swan Lake, The Arcade Fire, The Smiths(best band ever!), Tenacious D, David Bowie, Mandy Moore (DON'T JUDGE ME.), The Killers, Coheed and Cambria, Alkaline Trio, Ugly Casanova, The Polyphonic Spree, Devotchka, Van Morrison, Talking Heads, and more. Can't remember.


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, All the Quentin Tarantino movies, Wes Anderson films, The Departed, Good Fellas, Little Miss Sunshine, The Big Lebowski (Best movie ever made), Any Bruce Campbell movie, High Fidelity, Kevin Smith films, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Shaun of the Dead, Slither, Borat, Almost any horror movie that has the balls to be rated R. SMOKIN' ACES!!!


my favorite shows are: Married With Childrean (Al Bundy is a god), Rescue Me, Da Ali G Show, Dead Like Me, and Monk, UPDATE!!!!!! somehow i forgot to put the show Arrested Development on here, Robot Chicken, The Daily Show, Chapelle Show, Late night with Conan o Brien, Insomniac with Dave Attell. CAN'T FORGET THE COLBERT REPORT, Stephen Colbert is a fuckin' god. Mr.Show is also THE best sketch comedy show that has ever graced this earth. The Office (both UK and US), Extras, Entourage, Naked Trucker and T-Bones show, Sarah Silverman program, 30 Rock, Scrubs, My Name is Earl, How I Met Your Mother (only funny show with a laugh track), and more.


The best book ever is If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B movie Actor the autobiography of Bruce Campbell ( the greatest actor ever to grace the earth). That book is my bible since I dont have a religion. Besides that book i read mostly horror novels. My favorite author for horror novels is Stephen King. The Alphabet of Manliness, Zombie Survival Guide, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey Into the Heart of the American Dream, The Great Shark Hunt


Bruce Campbell, Ed o Neil, Conan o Brien, Quentin Tarantino, and Jeff Bridges.. in The Big lebowski. UPDATE!!!!!!!!! Wes Anderson, Clint Eastwood, and the Coen Bros, Tom Cruise, People who make Sci-Fi original films, Patton Oswalt, David Cross.

My Blog

My first lucid dream

For those of you who don't know what this is let me tell you. It is a dream where you realize you are a dream world which then allows you to do whatever you want whenever you want. You can literally c...
Posted by Zane: Open for Business! on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 03:50:00 PST


"Every now and then you run up on one day of those days when everything's in vain... a stone bummer from start to finish; and if you know what's good for you, on days like these you sort of hunker dow...
Posted by Zane: Open for Business! on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 05:37:00 PST

Yeah, i am on the verge of just killing myself.

I have nearly had it with this life. I am sooooooo close to killing myself. Not out of depression or anything. I mean, if you kill yourself because you are depressed then you are dumb and have no ball...
Posted by Zane: Open for Business! on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 08:30:00 PST

The Church of Zane

Ok folks, lets cut the crap. I am tired of religious people these days, they all suck balls But last night in a dream a god made out of Chips, Noodles, and Cake came to me and said i should start a ch...
Posted by Zane: Open for Business! on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 06:11:00 PST

if you want to know how the abortion went. here you go.

The abortion went fine. I was scared for a little bit though because there was alot of blood and i almost passed out. Seriously Scher, you could have at least been there for it, it was your decision t...
Posted by Zane: Open for Business! on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 05:40:00 PST

My abortion is tommorow. Wish luck on my fetus. Scher is the dad!

So yeah, my life has been fuckin' crazy. My streak of laziness was freakin badass but ended when school poped up. I mean seriously, i fuckin' hate school more then ever now. I have woken up the past 2...
Posted by Zane: Open for Business! on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 08:54:00 PST

i think i met the love of my life.

yeah, so i was at the check out line at best buy getting Ichi the Killer when the person at the cashier thing said to me "have you seen this movie?" to which i replied, "yes and its really fucked up" ...
Posted by Zane: Open for Business! on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 08:32:00 PST

christmas came early.

For 20 bucks i got this triple pack called the clint eastwood collection. and this volume is the "westerner" edition. So lets recap i got 3 really badass cowboy movies for 20 bucks? yeah, im a giddy b...
Posted by Zane: Open for Business! on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 07:42:00 PST

i guess im going to have cursed relationships the rest of my life.

After all these bulletins ive been reading that say "repost this or you will be cursed with bad relationship for 5 years" im suprised my hand still likes me (that was a perverted joke but shut up abou...
Posted by Zane: Open for Business! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I can fuckin smell it.

o christ the next 2 weeks are intense when it comes to movies. First this tuesday Kung Fu Hustle comes out and then next tuesday Sin City comes out which is bad ass. And tamma i might be getting "The ...
Posted by Zane: Open for Business! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST