UnitedMajority profile picture


It is been long enough, that we pay for energy, when it should of been free since the 70's!

About Me

It is not about me, it is about us. We are the world power. We left the present system in charge long enough. They failed us, the majority. We are the most powerfull force on earth, The United Majority of America! If you need proof, look around you. What do you see. It was not our system, that built the house you live in, it was our hands. It was not the system, that paved the road in front of your home, it was our hands. It is not the system that waves to your neightbor, it is our hands. We are the true power of this great country. It is time to show the world, who we are. Just like we did in World War II. We saved the world once, when we united, we can do it again. Our system is killing our world, in the name of oil profit. It's time for it to change. Please read blog chapter 10. It is one for us all to know! animal layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

Now, to unite us.

I'd like to meet:

All the people as a huge majority. I want to be friends with all, and all to be friends. Instead of fighting our neighbor, I want to meet a united majority. If we fight our neighbor, the system has no fear, of ever being stopped. Look at all the policy made to seperate us? They even seperated us by color! I'm done listening to a system, that does not care about my neighbor, and only profit!


All types have a place and time.


Ones of good


History and other informative channels.


All good books are great in my oppinion. If they are a book about good, how can they not be a good book?


Martin Luther King! He is all good souls hero, wheather they know it or not. Most know very little, about the greatest fighter for the majority ever. He did not care what color your skin was, he fought for one side, the side of good!Kennedy too, many look at his personel life, and twist his policies. He was best friends with Martin Luther King. They both, were for the side of good.A person who over comes there Id side, and acts out there Superego side, most of the time.

My Blog

Democrat/Republican, They are both lying big time!

Democrat Republican,  There both lying big time!!!When it comes to our car mileage they are for sure!  Before a car made in Japan,  is sent to the USA,  it has to be rigged?  ...
Posted by UnitedMajority on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 07:56:00 PST

The truth about solar, disabled?

I tried to post this link in my bulletin,  but myspace says it is disabled now?  This exact same link?  It is  a Science magazine,  and an article that tells the truth about s...
Posted by UnitedMajority on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 11:11:00 PST

Think I'm not stating the facts?

..  .. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/07/070719011151.ht m My best friend suggested that I attach this site to my last blog,  so my readers know that I am telling the ...
Posted by UnitedMajority on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 03:56:00 PST

Have a peice of the American pie/lie

Have a piece of the American Lie A piece of the American pie, is what they tell us to seek. But who is it really for. I guess you have to get rich, to eat such a pie, but to do it on lies, Ill g...
Posted by UnitedMajority on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 01:54:00 PST

President Jimmy Carter revised

Jimmy, he was no total meme When he left the presidency, our average mile per gallon for American cars was 28 miles to the gallon. Now it is under 20! Yet congress says, "we need new technology, to ...
Posted by UnitedMajority on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 10:20:00 PST

Who all gets free energy, and why?

The Air Force, is number 3! Out of all the companies in the united states, the Air Force is number 3, for the most electricity used, produce by solar technology? Yes, our government uses a lot of fr...
Posted by UnitedMajority on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 08:20:00 PST

The rich? Want to be seen, fine, this lets see them.

Look at Meme! The rich want to be noticed. They don't drive an expensive Cadillac not to be noticed. They want the credit they deserve. I say, lets give it to them! "Profit for them only!" They coul...
Posted by UnitedMajority on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 04:19:00 PST

What they never dare say, so I will.

The Truth you will not here from the system! Truth 1) NASA, has been using solar power, since the 60's! Our system says it is not perfected yet though? They convince us, it is too expensive? When th...
Posted by UnitedMajority on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 02:48:00 PST

A poem message

If dreams were written in holy grail Evil and nightmares would be derailed But as life on earth has always been Two sides to us, evil now the leading trend Can we be surprised how evil rose In ...
Posted by UnitedMajority on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 01:01:00 PST

The rise of the majority is coming!

Our government, has messed up, to say the least. At least for the majority. For the rich in control of it, they have never been finer. Oil companies keep having record profit quarters, while we pay ...
Posted by UnitedMajority on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 12:18:00 PST